herobrain asked over 1 year ago

Login with signature not work

I try to login with signature below but I am not success.

$ eclair-cli signmessage --msg=$(echo -n 'lnplus-login-*redacted*' | base64)
  "nodeId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "message": "*redacted*",
  "signature": "1f99cf4429c37c4419ab921aa5ec1fe646b584a29ce40bb0dc29bbc25692d3ca8f715e9c5be49e54a2ed1426ef930f3be486eeb62674a477718e83f59eb497bc5e"

What is a problem?

1 Comment


LN+ Admin wrote over 1 year ago

I redacted the login message (even though it times out anyway).

You're doing it right, so I'm puzzled why it would not work. This is indeed the correct command:
eclair-cli signmessage --msg=$(echo -n 'message to sign' | base64)

Is the account you're signed in currently different from the eclair node you're trying to sign in with?

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