Lightning Watchtower Swaps
How watch swaps work?
If you have a Bitcoin Lightning Node, you need to be online regularly to ensure your node can contest any potential malicious channel force closures. If you implement a so called watchtower on your node, you don't have to worry about such attacks. The watchtower service will watch the blockchain on your behalf and issue punish transactions if any breach is detected. Here on LN+ you can find a partner node who will agree to watch your node in return for you watching their node.
Learn about watchtowers and setup an LND watchtower or The Eye of Satoshi service. Sign in with your node to gain access to your profile and start participating.
Apply to Swap
Join and existing watch swap or create a watch swap to find a node that approximately matches your node's size.
Set Up Watchtower
Once you found a partner, you will both receive instructions on how to watch each other's node.
Rate Participants
Enjoy peace of mind, knowing your node is protected. Rate your experience with the participants and increase your reputation score.
310 Watch Swaps
Sign in to see watch swaps that match your node