Lightning Liquidity Swaps
How liquidity swaps work?
If you have a Bitcoin Lightning Node and you want to open channels to have both outgoing and incoming capacity, we can help you. Here you can easily join a so called liquidity swap where multiple users like you team up and open channels to each other. This setup results in a free incoming channel to you in return for you opening one to someone else. The process takes 4 simple steps. We will give you instructions all throughout the process to make it easy.
Set up a lightning node. Open at least one channel to any node, so we can see your node. Sign in with your node to gain access to your profile and start participating.
Apply to Swap
Find a liquidity swap that fits your preferences, such as size and duration. You can also start a new liquidity swap if you like with your own rules.
Open and Get Channel
Receive a notification on this website and optionally in email when the liquidity swap is full with participants so you and other participants can open the channels.
Rate Participants
Enjoy the increased incoming liquidity on your node. Rate your experience with the participants and increase your reputation score.
17,563 Liquidity Swaps
Open with Restrictions for LND/BOS Only
Open for Application
Open for Application
Open with Restrictions
Open with Restrictions for LND/BOS Only
Open with Restrictions
Open with Restrictions
Open with Restrictions
Open with Restrictions
Open with Restrictions
Open with Restrictions
Open with Restrictions