Status update on StackingSomeSats

Posted about 2 years ago by StackingSomeSats

Potential downtime of up to a day in the coming month or two

I probably will switch the node to Citadel, so please do not worry if I go offline for a day.
All channels that have been offline for over 3 days will be force closed when I prepare for the migration.

Notices on nodes with 500k channels with me

I will no longer be opening 500k channels and accepting them. Depending on your situation, one of these things will happen:
  1. After one month or more of inactivity, I will notify you (via any contact details set on your LN+/Amboss profile, and if the channel was from a swap, in the comments) and give you a week to decide to close or use it.
    Currently, this part is just for notice and such closures are not planned.
  2. I will close the channel, and open a larger one. (using bos open-balanced-channel or pushing all the liquidity to my side)
  3. If there is no liquidity on my side of the channel, the channel will stay active.

New policy about channel inactivity

All non-swap public channels after this post's creation will be closed after one month of no activity.
Private channels will be closed after two months of no activity.
Force closes will be done if the other node is offline for 7 days.


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Lightning Network Node
Rank: 0
Capacity: 7,418,402 SAT
Channels: 6

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