Bitnoob asked over 2 years ago

Transfering satoshis from another node.

What is the best way to transfer satoshis (sats) from another node (having both BTC wallet and lightning channels). 
One of my node is stuck in recovery for weeks and I am trying to recover sats from that node. 
If I am successful, should I sweep all funds to the BTC wallet of that node by force closing any lightning channels (if they have not been closed by the other party already) and then transfer them to my working node's BTC wallet before opening lightning channels? 
I know there are fees for closing and opening lightning channels. I am trying to figure out the least expensive method (aka. lowest fees) to transfer the sats to my working node. 



LN+ Admin wrote over 2 years ago

Yes, you have to close all the channels with your backup. Then, you transfer over the BTC to the working node. I don't think there is a way to transfer channels. You will have to pay the channel opening costs again. Sorry.


Bitnoob wrote over 2 years ago

Thanks for the info. 

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