Aung Kyaw Lin asked over 3 years ago

Why channel closing takes so long?

Hello all Bitcoin Lightning Node Operator. I'm the newly node operator and my node is for about 4 days old. I'm running Bitcoin full node and lightning network now on my windows Laptop with lnd ("version": "0.13.1-beta commit=v0.13.1-beta") and Chrome browser plugin (Joule). I'm searching and reading a lot of information for running the lightning node. But I don't properly know about in details right now. So I need every node operator's help to run my node properly and profitable. I've a question to ask you,Sir. I explore lightning node operator map when I start running my node first time of the day. And I connected one of the node and connected as a peer. And then I opened a channel with that node. After the channel funding traction is confirmed, that node is offline serveral hours. So I reclosed that channel in force. Sir. The channel closing status is still in closing for several days since I started running my node. But my channel connected peer node is active now.

So why the channel closing status is too long? And Can I get back my channel funding money? So there are two question, I need to know for your help, Sir. Thank for reading and have a good day and night to all.



LN+ Admin wrote over 3 years ago

We typically wait at least several days, and up to 2 weeks before force closing a zombie channel. Nodes have to go offline ocassionally to update, and are forced to go offline because of software or hardware issues. Next time don't prematurely close a channel because you see a node being offline.

Force closing a channel requires you to wait, because the system is giving the other party a chance to contest the force closing transaction, just in case you closed the channel with a state where you had more funds on the channel, trying to cheat the other party. The amount of wait you have do is determined at the channel opening, and is typically only 24h, but can be more sometimes even a week. So, you just have to wait. You will get your money back in your on chain wallet when that time passes.

Aung Kyaw Lin

Aung Kyaw Lin wrote over 3 years ago

ok. Got it. Thanks for your answer. Thanks u so much. Sir

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