⚡️New Speedway Boogie⚡️ asked almost 3 years ago

Migrate Node

I will be attempting to migrate from Mynode to Umbrel, If for some reason I need to close my channels/swaps is there a proper way to do this and reopen channels with the same peers? Please advise on proper etiquette in this situation, thank you. 



LN+ Admin wrote almost 3 years ago

Several of us have done this. Take a note of all your channels and their sizes, and re-open them if needed. The problem is you will have to re-open both the channels you originally opened and received. People won't be opening channels to you again.

Also, be advised that your channel backup is NOT going to preserve your channels. It will close all your channels to get your funds back on-chain. In order to migrate you will have to take the files associated with your node, not jus use your channel backup file.

Good luck!

⚡️New Speedway Boogie⚡️

⚡️New Speedway Boogie⚡️ wrote almost 3 years ago

Thank you!

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