LNDB4TIME asked over 3 years ago

Feature Request: Change Status When Duration Reached

There aren't very many swaps on here which have reach duration yet. Users may want to view swaps for which they have met their obligations. It would be nice if the swaps changed color and status from "Completed" to "Ended", "Duration Reached", or similar.

Nodes may wish to reallocate resources to seek out more active channels as some existing channels may remain mostly inactive due to a peer having high fees or already established more efficient routes. The ability to view swaps which have reached duration would more easily allow a node to identify and assess channels for reallocation.

Example of swap which has reached duration:



LN+ Admin wrote over 3 years ago

Excellent idea. Will do!


peakfiatshitshow wrote over 3 years ago

A little countdown would be a nice feature

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