Less Relevant asked over 3 years ago

How do you resolve the "Lower amount or increase confirmation target" error?

When using Umbrel > Lightning > Payment Channels > Open Channel, I am presented this error: "Lower amount or increase confirmation target."

It doesn't matter what Lightning Address, Amount, or Transaction Fee I input. It doesn't matter if I reboot the Umbel and verify it has fully synced. It doesn't matter if I wait a few weeks before attempting to open another channel. It doesn't matter how many non-full blocks get verified from the mempool. I'm always getting this message.

My work around has been to no longer use LND Lightning Network. Instead, if I use ThunderHub to open/close channels, everything works as designed.

Any ideas on how to resolve this issue in LND so that I may again have the ability to use it to Open Channels? Thank you.



DarthCoin wrote over 3 years ago

Less Relevant

Less Relevant wrote over 3 years ago

OMG I am an idiot! @DarthCoin, thank you for the link. I followed your instructions and consolidated my transactions by using ThunderHub to send my entire bitcoin balance to a new bitcoin address on my node. That process worked. 

But when I returned to LND > Lightning Network > Open Channel > and attempted to open a new channel, I still received the "Lower amount or increase confirmation target" error. It didn't matter if I tried a 1,000,000 channel size or a 100 channel size. Same error.

And then I realized my error. Under Amount, LND defaulted the unit type to BTC instead of Sats. While I do have 100 Sats, I most definitely do not have 100 BTC. 

It was my mistake all along. Sorry for wasting your time, but thanks for offering to help.

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