✨V🚀BTC🚀Node✨ asked over 1 year ago

Closing channel missing sats…


Can someone explain me why my channel that I opened with ‎0,01000000 BTC balance returned me only 0,00685696 BTC upon force closure on a node that has gone offline? 

Here is the transaction https://mempool.space/tx/133b22f5a8e909e92a1166beae39acb1e284e006da65520f17ec19046a7bf0f3

Thx for your help.



LN+ Admin wrote over 1 year ago

You haven't lost money. Your funds moved to another channel, which is what happens when you "route". This is normal, expected and even desired behaviour, because you earn routing fees when that happens. The total amount of sats in your on-chain and off-chain (channels) balance remains unchanged when you close a channel. When a channel closes each party receives the SATs on chain, that were on the channel at the time of closing (latest channel state).


✨V🚀BTC🚀Node✨ wrote over 1 year ago

Hello, ok thank you for clarification

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