FUFO asked about 1 year ago

SWAP 14968

Hi there, the server of one peer (FALCONBR-LND) has crashed a few days ago. After that, I'm trying to reopen the channel to him, however the SATS are pending in the limbo and I cannot do anything. On the mempool https://mempool.space/tx/163a48375be3c5b0119843259f33f66d4cc311bf2dcbd6ca0e32b8d37e132ecf it shows apparently closed. In Thurderhub found the missing sats "pending" by forced closure. 

How long can it takes, till the 3 millons SATS are being released again? Has this to do with the current situation in the mempool? If cou can provide me some technical information, I will be happy . Thank you!
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1 Comment


LN+ Admin wrote about 1 year ago

Don't worry, this transaction is already confirmed. Now, you're just waiting for the funds to be released. They are locked for a certain period of time when a channel is force closed. This can be just one day for small channels and up to a week for larger channels. Sorry about the wait, but this is how the LN ensures you can't be cheated out of your sats if your node were to be offline for a short period of time.

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