Crypt04n4rkMoV asked 9 months ago

Lightning Network Plus is not recognizing my node channel's count

I have 10 channels open, however, LightningNetworkPlus is only detecting 5 channels. What is the reason for this?



LN+ Admin wrote 9 months ago

It's likely that you have 5 channels that are public and 5 that are private. We can't see private channels.


Crypt04n4rkMoV wrote 9 months ago

All channels are public!


LN+ Admin wrote 8 months ago


Crypt04n4rkMoV wrote 8 months ago

So, why Lightningnetworkplus sees only 5? They are in fact 10. One peer is offline right now!
And Amboss sees 10.


LN+ Admin wrote 8 months ago

LN+ sees 6 now, Mempool sees 7. It looks like you need to peer to more nodes to get more gossip info out.

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