Blitzbahn asked 5 months ago

Remove participant from swap



Would it be possible to remove participant Node B from the swap?
Node B is repeatedly unavailable and is not reacting to my messages in swap chat.
After 2 days I was able to add his peer but only tor not clearnet. That swap was clearnet only.
I dont want a channel to a noderunner who joins a swap but does not communicate. And I dont know if Node B can solve his problems or not. Its now day 3 without any feedback from him. I feel sorry for him but for me thats a nogo.
Could u please remove Node B or is there another suggestion to solve the situation? Node C already opened a channel to me (Node A).
With the current high fees, it would be sad if Node C had opened a channel for nothing.

Sorry for the uncomfortable situation



LN+ Admin wrote 5 months ago

I see the situation is resolved to an extent, right? I don't need to remove them anymore, correct?


Blitzbahn wrote 5 months ago

Yes, it seems to be okay at the moment. At least it was now possible to open a channel via tor. 
Edit: Connected now via clearnet. 

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