SuperLND asked 4 months ago

What do I do when the peer who initiated a swap refuses to open a channel?

In swap 18772, peer 027891ff6ed0f28a8a06b42a379a921b83b9a689ef7802c8108dc28de4a31c7dc0 is seemingly refusing to open a channel to me.
Is there anything else I can do besides a down-vote?



LN+ Admin wrote 4 months ago

I messaged the node operator. Let's see if it gets opened within a day or two. Sorry about this!

SuperLND wrote 4 months ago

Thank you!


LN+ Admin wrote 4 months ago

Nothing happened. There is nothing I can do. The user has some up and some down votes. If they get one more downvote I will consider a ban.

SuperLND wrote 4 months ago

No worries, it happens with some...
Thanks for the effort ;)

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