Pilot of BTC asked 2 months ago

A peer did a force close.

A peer did a force close on our channel. How can I verify he isn't trying to steal the funds. I don't see a pending transaction in my on-chain wallet. 

If he is stealing how can I stop it.



LN+ Admin wrote 2 months ago

As long as your node is running, you're safe. If your peer wanted to transmit an earlier signature where they had more funds, your node would notice and issue a so called punish transaction which according to the rules of the lightning smart contract will entitle you to all the funds in the channel, regardless of the latest balance.

Pilot of BTC

Pilot of BTC wrote 2 months ago

Thanks that's good to know. I do see that the sats did finally return to me. I just expected to see a pending transaction in my on chain wallet. 

So in 2 out of 6 swaps I've done here, one of the three has closed the channel between us. I guess there is no recourse to those nodes/users.


LN+ Admin wrote 2 months ago

Unfortunately, many of us are still learning, so some nodes go offline because of technical reasons.

Pilot of BTC

Pilot of BTC wrote 2 months ago

I wonder if it's due to the BTC price people decided to sell. 

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