RollingHills asked 4 months ago

Issue opening channel in swap #19502

Hello, when I first joined this swap I was placed in the last position and opened a channel as requested to the first one. Only when I returned I saw a member was removed and my position was shifted back by one spot which invalidated the channel I opened, forcing me to open a second. I'm okay with that but now I cannot open a channel to the new node for reasons I believe out of my control (details included in swap's comments). No expectations except to do the right thing to the best of my ability... any guidance is appreciated, thank you!

1 Comment


LN+ Admin wrote 4 months ago

Yes, sorry about that experience. We had to kick a user who wanted to abuse the system. You can and perhaps should even close the previous channel you opened. You have no obligation to open the second channel, but let's see if D can peer you and then you can open the channel immediately.

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