DJD-Coinsyncer2024! asked 4 months ago

Can't login correctly


Few days ago I created my accoount here with my e-mail address, later I logged in with Lightning, somehow I got 2 accounts now, but can't connect my node to this account. On the other account I can't connect my e-mailaddress because it's already excists. How can I fix this?

My node can be found with: DJD-Coinsync2024


DJD-Coinsyncer2024! wrote 4 months ago

It takes long here to get response,
 I wan't to get rid of "User account associated with node has been cancelled by user." I wan't to undo that so I can merge my accounts with this e-mail registered account. Now I can't swap or anything here, very annoying.


LN+ Admin wrote 4 months ago

I believe it's fixed now:
Sorry for the slow response, took me a while to figure out.

DJD-Coinsyncer2024! wrote 4 months ago

Thank you! It seems ok now indeed. I was mostly afraid counting the days that the nodes who opened channels with me in the swap and me as beginner I could loose trust. I am just started and want to contribute and succeed.

Thanks for you help!

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