EnduraUmb-I asked about 2 years ago

How to figure out the channel IDs of a swap

How to get the channel ID of channels created as part of a swap?
If you have multiple channels to same nodes and want to clean up (close the dublicated ones) I want to ensure not breaching any SWAP contract accidentily closing the wrong channel.



LN+ Admin wrote about 2 years ago

You can see the channel IDs for your node here: https://lightningnetwork.plus/node/031e84f29076143d0f2a92b9910f6913222054b5af30c8ac10f5b78d4240a67dd1/node_channels

It doesn't matter which one was specifically open for the swap. As long as you have the channel open at the specific size you're good.

EnduraUmb-I wrote about 2 years ago

thx OK if the channel ID does not matter I can close the unneeded one.

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