monteverdi asked over 2 years ago
Feature request: validate "Application" with existing swaps
Please see
I have, boneheadedly, applied to a swap without checking the node immediately prior to my chain on whether or not an existing connection already exists. It would be fantastic, as the network grows larger, a warning of some sort can be provided so future LNers won't make the same mistake as I did.
Thank you!
I have, boneheadedly, applied to a swap without checking the node immediately prior to my chain on whether or not an existing connection already exists. It would be fantastic, as the network grows larger, a warning of some sort can be provided so future LNers won't make the same mistake as I did.
Thank you!
monteverdi wrote over 2 years ago
Lovely! Thank you!
LN+ Admin wrote over 2 years ago
It does warn you, but only if the system is already aware of the channel, which may take a bit of time...
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