monteverdi asked almost 2 years ago

What happened to Swap 8945 where I am getting 500 from

I had some issues opening a channel to 03da872791c43022c0bad6dc46b0e5f2fa7b92f635aeacf1aab55285cf41343e3f in swap 8945 the last 2 days, and am trying to see whether or not there were any messages/comments. However, the page is throwing 500 error. Could you please clarify what happened there? I do not want to leave the other nodes hanging, though have no idea what the current status of the swap is at.



monteverdi wrote almost 2 years ago

Thanks for the clarification!


LN+ Admin wrote almost 2 years ago

There was a bad actor. I had to remove it. The swap is now reopened.

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