Terra Australis asked over 1 year ago

SWAP Payment

I was going over a swap that ended 3 months ago and I'm not entirely sure if I received a payment back when the swap ended. Is there a way to check this?  Do I need to create an invoice for payment?

Thanks, Terra Australis


Sunny Sarah

Sunny Sarah wrote over 1 year ago


Two channels were created in the process of SWAP for your node: inbound with one peer and outbound with second. If the channels were not closed by you or your peers, they continue to exist now. If channels where closed, you definitely got your money back.

Terra Australis wrote over 1 year ago

Thanks Sunny Sarah, I'll be sure to close the channel.

Terra Australis wrote over 1 year ago

Hi Sunny Sarah,

The Swap has expired but I can't see where to close the channel?

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