LIGHTNING2 asked about 3 years ago

How to connect to a tor node with LND if not using tor.

1 Comment

LIGHTNING2 wrote about 3 years ago

I wrote this script to make channel openings quick and easy. It'll use socat to allow a clearnet lnd to connect to tor nodes. 

You need to 
apt-get install socat
before using it.

Also useful for quickly pasting a node address and satoshi amount, instead of connecting and then opening a channel.

is_tor_node() {
        echo $1 | grep -q onion

connect_tor () {
        addr=$(echo $1 | egrep -o '[a-z0-9]+\.onion:[0-9]+')

        port=$((10000 + ($RANDOM * $RANDOM) % 55535))

        socat tcp-listen:$port socks4a:$addr,socksport=9050 &

        node=$(echo $1 | egrep -o '[0-9a-f]{66}')

        lncli connect $node@$port


open_channel () {
        node=$(echo $1 | egrep -o '[0-9a-f]{66}')

        lncli openchannel $node $2 --min_confs 0

if is_tor_node $1; then
        connect_tor $1
        lncli connect $1

open_channel $1 $2

if is_tor_node $1; then
        sleep 5
        kill $pid

Usage: ./ [node@address:port] [satoshis]

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