pileof.w4ge asked over 3 years ago

Beta feature for rebalancing

On GetUmbrel the PATH does not appear to include "/home/umbrel/umbrel/bin:" by default which is where lncli is located.

I used "export PATH=/home/umbrel/umbrel/bin:$PATH" to add this before starting to use the provided lncli commands.

Without this the commands provided as part of Beta rebalancing on swaps will fail.



pileof.w4ge wrote over 3 years ago

The next thing I've found is that for the triangle swap I'm trying to rebalance I get an error "the input device is not a TTY" on the second set of commands (i.e. after the invoice generation command has been run). This appears to related to the "lncli buildroute" command not finding a route for some reason. The channels have been opened by participants but no route is returned. I'm guessing either gossip hasn't caught up on all nodes or there is an issue on one of the channels (someone's opened as private??). Anyhow - I'm going to wait for an hour or two and try again.


LN+ Admin wrote over 3 years ago

Good suggestion on Umbrel. I should add that as a note for Umbrel users.

It's possible to add the channel id [OUTGOING_CHAN_ID] where the funds should go out from from, but it should not be required:
lncli buildroute --amt [SENDING_AMOUNT_IN_SATS] --hops [LIST_OF_PUBLIC_KEYS_OF_PEERS] --outgoing_chan_id [OUTGOING_CHAN_ID] | jq -r '(.route.hops[-1] | .mpp_record) |= {payment_addr:"[PAYMENT_ADDR]", total_amt_msat: "[TOTAL_AMOUNT_IN_MILLI_SATS]"}' | lncli sendtoroute --payment_hash=[PAYMENT_HASH] -

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