martypb asked almost 3 years ago

Cannot access swap while logged in, after ready for opening

For two swaps that I joined when they had 1 spot left I got an error message when i clicked to join. Then I got email alerts saying they are ready for channel opening, but when i go to them I get the same error. If i log out, then i can see the swap page, but cannot see details for the node I need to open channel to, since i am not logged in. I also have no way to contact others in the swaps.

Can you help identify the issue, and also share to me the details of channels I need to open? 

Also, suggestion, include details of channel to open in the notification email you send for when swap is ready for channel opening. That will help a lot.

1 Comment


LN+ Admin wrote almost 3 years ago

I believe this bug has been fixed. Please check and confirm either way!

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