The Bitcoin Lightning Network is officially launched at The Pride of Our Footscray Community Bar in Melbourne, Australia!

Posted over 2 years ago by CHILLYCALENDAR

In this video I demonstrate purchasing drinks from The Pride of Our Footscray Community Bars new BTCPay Server online drinks app using Bitcoin via the Bitcoin Lightning Network.  The Wallet of Satoshi Bitcoin Lightning Network Wallet is installed on my iPhone.  

The Pride Bar Point of Sale App runs on an iPad which sits behind the bar.  The Pride Bar BTCPay Server Sombermontana runs on a laptop which is currently attached to INTJ Billing's corporate network but will soon likely be placed on premises at Pride Bar in Footscray and connected up to their network.  A payment channel is open between Pride Bars node Sombermontana and INTJ Billing's node Chillycalendar and inbound liquidity has been purchased from Bitrefill, Yall's and Coincept.  The laptop in the video is my laptop which is connected up to my phones wireless hotspot.  The laptop has Ride the Lightning opened on Pride Bars BTCPay Server located approx 5km down the road in Spotswood at INTJ Billings premises.

We may be one of the first if not the first bar in Australia to accept bitcoin lightning network payments!  

The bar estimates that if every customer was to pay using bitcoin via the bitcoin lightning network it would save the bar approx $40,000 AUD per year in not paying the middle men payment processors and bank transaction fees!

1 Comment


LN+ Admin wrote over 2 years ago

Let's hope every customer pays with LN within a few years! ⚡️

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