⚡ Unveiling Our 3rd Liquidity Swap! 🔄

Posted about 1 year ago by ⚡₿lyskawica Nod∑⚡

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Hello, Lightning Network Plus community! 🖐️
We're excited to share the news of our 3rd Liquidity Swap. 💎💰

By becoming a part of this swap, you can strengthen your node's connectivity, improving the reliability of your transactions on the Lightning Network.
Each participant's contribution brings us one step closer to a more robust Lightning Network. ⚡

Interested? We warmly welcome you to join us in this liquidity swap. 🌐🔄

         To join the liquidity swap, simply visit this page
║                                     ⚡₿lyskawica Nod∑⚡                               ║
║                             👋 You're welcome to join us!                        ║
║                                          🗲🔄 3rd Swap                                            ║
║                      🌐 [Clearnet/TOR]   📅 6 Months                        ║
║                 🤑 20000sat Liquidity [Swap Capacity]                ║

Together, we can make the Lightning Network stronger. 🤝🔗 
We're committed to providing a smooth and secure experience on our network. 🛡️⚡ 
Stay tuned for more updates! 📣💫


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Lightning Network Node
⚡₿lyskawica Nod∑⚡
Rank: 0
Capacity: 20,000 SAT
Channels: 1

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