
Posted about 1 year ago by ln01.japan.sh | Shibuya G

Hardware upgrades are in progress again on this node. Should be recovered within 24 hours. Some slight fee increases to help with costs related to auto-rebalance unbalanced peers. Node should be much more useful to new users after this update, and you should see significantly more routing traffic with our software updates as long as your node is beneficial.


ln01.japan.sh | Shibuya G wrote about 1 year ago

plebs.jpg 1.03 MB
Some behind-the-scenes look.


LN+ Admin wrote 11 months ago

Glad to have a channel with you!

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Lightning Network Node
ln01.japan.sh | Shibuya Gateway
Rank: 5 / Titanium
Capacity: 23,701,069 SAT
Channels: 18

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