From Zero to Lightning: A Step-by-Step Guide to LND Node Setup in Just 15 Minutes

Posted 7 months ago by LN+

In this video by Lightning Labs you can see how quickly you can get an LND Lightning node up and running. The stack is built on a fresh LunaNode M2 Ubuntu instance. which only costs about $7 per month. The entire process without any cuts in the video takes about only 15 minutes, which is impressive given it results in a fully functioning Bitcoin and Lightning Cloud node that is ready to send Bitcoin transactions and open lightning channels.


  1. Update Ubuntu
  2. Install Litd (Lightning Terminal): For managing your lightning node
  3. Connect to Neutrino backend and Sync with the Bitcoin blockchain
  4. Create LND wallet: To manage your lighting channels
  5. Setup passwords and generate seed
  6. Connect to Terminal Web by Lightning Labs and Fund wallet
  7. Using Lightning Pool by Lightning Labs: To buy and sell lighthing channels



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