MYNode is up and running

Posted 8 months ago by sugar🔥⚡

i am sorry about that my Raspisetup crashed and all channels are - i don´t really know. anyways all channels before the 1. december 2023 are to be closed please when the fees allow this. The new node is a minipc ´running with amd64 and reliable as hell.  thank you



⚡LightThisNow⚡ wrote 8 months ago

well done getting back up.

I need to wait to force close when fees aren't so crazy!

I you used umbrel you can contact umbrel developers in telegram to force close your channels.


sugar🔥⚡ wrote 8 months ago

i use MyNode and their support is not too hot. it is better to talk to your partners and built trust. grand place here and a good network. TRUST is the key. thank you . let me know when you closed and i can open a new channel with you

BTC EXPANSION wrote 8 months ago

Sorry to hear that.
Not the good period to close channels. We will see what will happen.


sugar🔥⚡ wrote 8 months ago

you are in charge. i will see what you will make to happen. cheers bro

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Lightning Network Node
Rank: 7 / Silver
Capacity: 16,094,783 SAT
Channels: 27