CHILLYCALENDAR and CHILLYCALENDAR2 were down for maintenance approx 24 minutes this morning

Posted about 1 year ago by CHILLYCALENDAR

Hi Everyone,

INTJ Billing's primary and secondary lightning network nodes were down for maintenance this morning for approx 24 minutes.  This was to implement a new more reliable power configuration.  An APC Line-R voltage regulator and a new CyberPower UPS were added to the setup for even more reliability and server uptime.  The setup also has an Ecoflow Delta battery connected to it so in the event of a power outage the UPS will kick in and then if the power doesn't come back on in quick fashion the Ecoflow battery will then kick in and provide another 3 hours of uptime which by then the power would hopefully be restored.

The reasoning for this new setup is due to a number of recent brownouts by my power distributor which were causing my main UPS to spike and go into an overload condition.  Less load has also been placed on this UPS.

Kind Regards,



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