Please reach out if you would like to open channels.

Posted 6 months ago by Shtacks_City

I have just rebuilt my node and everything works well.

I was looking to create a private swap agreement with some people and would aim to keep these channels open for as long as possible (maybe 1 year or more). 

The reason why I want to keep channels open for this long is due to the inevitable rise in on-chain fees, opening and closing channels will eat away your sats and I want to avoid that!

I am looking to open channels with liquidity of 1m up-to 4m sats per channel.

I am asking people who have been around for at least 1 year with good ratings to join such a swap agreement. 

Please let me know if you are interested, thanks!


Shtacks_City wrote 6 months ago

1m sat swap agreements now live.

Shtacks_City wrote 6 months ago

2m sat swap agreements now live.

Shtacks_City wrote 6 months ago

3m sat swap agreements now live.

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Lightning Network Node
Rank: 7 / Silver
Capacity: 58,794,753 SAT
Channels: 23

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Fees Fees Fees!

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Thank you.

Posted 6 months ago