Shtacks_City's Posts

Node Update

Posted about 2 months ago

Apologies as my node went down for a few hours today due to someone unplugging the machine by accident. 

My node is now back online.

Fees Fees Fees!

Posted 3 months ago

I adjust fees based on the liquidity in my channels.

Right now, the average fee for my outbound liquidity is under 50 sats ppm!

Right now, the average fee for my inbound liquidity is under 110 sats ppm!

Fees Fees Fees!

Posted 4 months ago

I adjust fees based on the liquidity in my channels.
Low outbound liquidity will have me use a higher ppm fee.
High outbound liquidity will have me use a lower ppm fee.

Right now, the average fee for my outbound liquidity is under 40 sats ppm!

Thank you.

Posted 6 months ago

Thank you to everyone who opened channels with me. 

I aim to have a good routing node by having a 50/50 split of inbound and outbound liquidity, high up-time and low fees.

Please reach out if you would like to open channels.

Posted 6 months ago

I have just rebuilt my node and everything works well.

I was looking to create a private swap agreement with some people and would aim to keep these channels open for as long as possible (maybe 1 year or more). 

The reason why I want to keep channels open for this long is due to the inevitable rise in on-chain fees, opening and closing channels will eat away your sats and I want to avoid that!

I am looking to open channels with liquidity of 1m up-to 4m sats per channel.

I am asking people who have been around for at least 1 year with good ratings to join such a swap agreement. 

Please let me know if you are interested, thanks!

Connection is good.

Posted 8 months ago

Tested my setup and my connection is now stable, will begin opening channels in a better fee environment. Thanks everyone!

Channels closing - upgrades in progress - will be back in a few months hopefully.

Posted 10 months ago

Channels are now in the process of closing down since my connection continues to go down randomly. My node should not go down randomly, I aim to solve this problem over the next few months and will be back even stronger!

Temporary Closure - for Upgrades

Posted 11 months ago

Dear Channel Partners,

I will need to close down all my channels maybe later this month. By this point, nearly all of my contracts should expire. 

For those contacts with some time left outstanding, I would be happy to pay for your opening and closure fees where you opened a channel to me.

I am taking this step to prevent any accidental mistakes and avoid unnecessary loss of funds. These funds are important for the network from a liquidity/route availability stand point and to myself who likes to shtack sats.

Keeping all channels open would be great, however, I feel that this risk is too high with the setup changes that I will need to make in the coming months.

Thank you for your understanding.

Lightning Network Node
Capacity: 58,794,753 SAT
Channels: 23