nakoshi-satamoto: Now setup with PeerSwap

Posted 6 months ago by nakoshi-satamoto

My lightning router nakoshi-satamoto is now setup with peerswap. I intend to add more funds to my liquid balance in the next day.

PeerSwap is a plugin that lets directly connected peers swap between onchain liquid funds and lightning funds with each other for easy channel re-balancing. Swaps are done atomically meaning they are trustless.swap

For example, if you had a channel open to me with 400,000 sats on your side and 100,000 sats on my side, you could use PeerSwap to send 150,000 sats to my side of the channel in exchange for 150,000 sats on Liquid. Then after this swap the channel would then have 250,000 sats on each side making it a balanced channel again. Although Liquid is not needed for channel rebalancing, it does make it very easy and cheap to do so.

If any of my current directly connected peers support PeerSwap in the present or future, I will add you to my allow list to enable swaps. If you add PeerSwap at some point and are connected to me, please consider adding my node to your allow list also.


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Lightning Network Node
nakoshi-satamoto [PeerSwap]
Rank: 0
Capacity: 17,621,573 SAT
Channels: 13