schulzemic asked over 2 years ago

Open Channel Before Swap Filled

Hi, wouldn't it make sense if a user could mark a channel as opened even before there are enough participants to complete a swap? There's nothing wrong with opening a channel anyway. And if some of the channels have been opened already, this might be an incentive for others to join a swap.


schulzemic wrote over 2 years ago

Now that I think of it, it could by a good idea to reverse the direction of the channels, I.e. B opens a channel to A, C to B and so on. This way, a user could sign up for a swap, fund a channel, and then forget about it for the time being, without having to react when the last participant is found.

8DegreesWO wrote over 2 years ago

The issue will be re-balancing, depending on how long it takes for all channels to confirm. The longer you have a channel open, the more chances of it being used/drained and ultimately making re-balancing more difficult.

schulzemic wrote over 2 years ago

You're right, that would be a downside. Maybe the intention to rebalance could be made a restriction for a new swap. In my experience (with 4 swaps!!), rebalancing is hit-and-miss already.

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