EnduraUmb-I asked about 2 years ago

Is there a working network map?

I am looking for a network map where I can see my node and connected ones. It should not be the full network (which is far too big) but something like filtered on hops distance as filter ... or at least based on the channels a node has active + displaying "cheapest" route from A to B.
I found only only full network meshes super slow and overloaded with nodes not being able to see anything relevant.



LN+ Admin wrote about 2 years ago

We don't have it but it's a good idea. Will work on it.


vajra wrote about 2 years ago

@EnduraUmb-I: If you have an LND node, you can with some work get this up to visualize the network as seen from your node: https://github.com/altangent/lightning-viz

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