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Bitcoin Lightning Network Node
Tor Lightning Address
Last seen over 2 years ago · Joined over 2 years ago

Pilot. $0.01000000 Satoshinaire! Love aviation, tech, & Bitcoin for a better world. The Golden Rule always applies.

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This bitcoin lightning network node identified by the pubkey: 0272b5958945d9033f66543856f52a6cc6eef4af9469edb708101b3186af5ca721 also known by the alias: 0272b5958945d9033f66 is accessible on the lightning network address: 0272b5958945d9033f66543856f52a6cc6eef4af9469edb708101b3186af5ca721@6f6ars3qytpgjtd3qwamhn5czuszginbpgnsfoj4kubtcq5czghkviid.onion:9735 .

The node has 0 channels, and a total channel capacity of: 0 Satoshis, which is equivalent to ~0.0 BTC. The node's physical location and IP address is protected by the Tor network to preserve privacy. The node's hex color is #ffffff. The information regarding this node and it channels has been updated last on .

This node page has been claimed by user: ChrisUnscrptd and has been verified through a digital signature as well. The user has created their account over 2 years ago, and has been last seen over 2 years ago.

The user has not yet participated in any swaps on LightningNetwork+. The node operator has not yet opened channels to other LN+ users through Swaps. The user has not yet received positive ratings from other users.

To learn more about this node, including historical data visit the following lightning network node explorers.