lightning bolt icon


Bitcoin Lightning Network Node
Tor Lightning Address
Claim Node

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This bitcoin lightning network node identified by the pubkey: 02969760feaa3b35948ea84ba1ccd708333dab11fdc8bb34fb5e77d1be825b81c8 also known by the alias: 02969760feaa3b35948e is accessible on the lightning network address: 02969760feaa3b35948ea84ba1ccd708333dab11fdc8bb34fb5e77d1be825b81c8@vqpofbntak6rplzt5aeqrfig4lo7x3zalc46ogctmjonti72n4vzf2qd.onion:9735 .

The node has 1 channels, and a total channel capacity of: 20,000 Satoshis, which is equivalent to ~0.0 BTC. The node's physical location and IP address is protected by the Tor network to preserve privacy. The node's hex color is #3399ff. The information regarding this node and it channels has been updated last on 2023-08-07 18:00:44 UTC.

This node page has not yet been claimed by any user.

To learn more about this node, including historical data visit the following lightning network node explorers.