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Bitcoin Lightning Network Node
Clearnet Lightning Address
Tor Lightning Address
Last seen about 1 year ago · Joined over 1 year ago

Ratings & Badges

3 Happy

0 Sad




Hubness Rank: 2631

Weighted for channel sizes: 1795

Lower numbers are better. Measures influence of a given node in the network. Better ranks imply a well-connected node that is linked to other well-connected nodes.

Hopness Rank: 3438

Weighted for channel sizes: 1490

Lower numbers are better. Measures how many hops it takes to reach any node on the network. The better the rank, the fewer the hops are required to reach other nodes.

Betweenness Rank: 3700

Weighted for channel sizes: 4434

Lower numbers are better. Measures how often this node falls on the shortest path between other nodes. The better the rank, the more likely the node will route a payments.

Metrics by LN node insight



This bitcoin lightning network node identified by the pubkey: 034286c12d155f1c9954eab4476ae7d258ce5f88cbfb6c2d081c4495a3825bbaa6 also known by the alias: LightningNeutrino is accessible on the lightning network address: 034286c12d155f1c9954eab4476ae7d258ce5f88cbfb6c2d081c4495a3825bbaa6@[2a02:1368:6200:32d8:21e:6ff:fe49:f21]:9735 and 034286c12d155f1c9954eab4476ae7d258ce5f88cbfb6c2d081c4495a3825bbaa6@k2yydjaxsfpy6pjec5jyfxaxzqns6kk6lvgb2hh65nfu7qbhhvh6yiqd.onion:9735 .

The node has 6 channels, and a total channel capacity of: 17,793,242 Satoshis, which is equivalent to ~0.178 BTC. The node's hex color is #39ff14. The information regarding this node and it channels has been updated last on 2024-08-16 19:16:14 UTC.

This node page has been claimed by user: LightningNeutrino and has been verified through a digital signature as well. The user has created their account over 1 year ago, and has been last seen about 1 year ago.

The user has participated in 3 swaps on LightningNetwork+. The node operator has opened 3 channels to LN+ users through Swaps. The user has received 3 positive ratings from other users.

To learn more about this node, including historical data visit the following lightning network node explorers.