lightning bolt icon


Bitcoin Lightning Network Node

Capacity: 0 SAT / Public Channels: 0

Rank: 0
Clearnet Lightning Address
Node ownership have not been verified by user.
Last seen about 3 years ago · Joined about 3 years ago

Ratings & Badges

0 Happy

1 Sad



This bitcoin lightning network node identified by the pubkey: lnbc1pssu8fwpp5s7plx7l89h3ywcaujpemfs7z8np7dwu7v9e3mh9h08prt2q9ae3qdqu2askcmr9wssx7e3q2dshgmmndp5scqzpgxqyz5vqsp5thy7qdrmy5z70rg820sj59ru543xps23mefkhu4ktn5avjxsf6ks9qyyssqcs7mlp05rk33hhunu40nluvraljj7y5r4cmghfrc3uc7kwlf32yha479vh53rahfyar23ul6sf2awv2hs626xmurycgjcjwsqsej86gpsasqrt also known by the alias: lnbc1pssu8fwpp5s7plx is accessible on the lightning network address: lnbc1pssu8fwpp5s7plx7l89h3ywcaujpemfs7z8np7dwu7v9e3mh9h08prt2q9ae3qdqu2askcmr9wssx7e3q2dshgmmndp5scqzpgxqyz5vqsp5thy7qdrmy5z70rg820sj59ru543xps23mefkhu4ktn5avjxsf6ks9qyyssqcs7mlp05rk33hhunu40nluvraljj7y5r4cmghfrc3uc7kwlf32yha479vh53rahfyar23ul6sf2awv2hs626xmurycgjcjwsqsej86gpsasqrt .

The node has 0 channels, and a total channel capacity of: 0 Satoshis, which is equivalent to ~0.0 BTC. The node is operating on clearnet. The node's hex color is #FFFFFF. The information regarding this node and it channels has been updated last on .

This node page has been claimed by user: Anonymous1077 but has not yet been verified with a digital signature. The user has created their account about 3 years ago, and has been last seen about 3 years ago.

The user has participated in 1 swap on LightningNetwork+. The node operator has not yet opened channels to other LN+ users through Swaps. The user has not yet received positive ratings from other users.

To learn more about this node, including historical data visit the following lightning network node explorers.