Lightning Liquidity Pool

Get incoming capacity & increase your channels
Decentralize the network & earn fees

How the pool works?

If you have a Bitcoin Lightning Node and you want to get incoming capacity, you can join our liquidity pool. In order to join you have to buy or earn liquidity credits. Once you're in the pool, nodes will open channels to you in return for your credits. You have full control over to whom you open and who opens to you. The process takes 4 simple steps. We will give you instructions all throughout the process to make it easy.

Set up and Sign in

Set up a lightning node. Open at least one channel to any node, so we can see your node. Sign in with your node to gain access to your profile and start participating.

Buy or Earn Credits

Either simply buy liquidity credits from LN+, or earn credits for free: pick a node below, create a channel opening request, wait for approval and finally open channel.

Receive Channel

Once you have liquidity credits, your node will appear in the liquidity pool. Node operators will offer to open a channel to you in return for your credits. Accept and receive the new channels.

Rate Participants

Enjoy the increased incoming liquidity on your node. Rate your experience with the participants and increase your reputation score.

426 Nodes found in the Liquidity Pool

Nodes with liquidity credits eligible to receive channels

Ordered by Liquidity Credit Balance : Page 11


Credits: 5.38M SAT
Capacity: 64.58M SAT
Public Channels: 16
Connection: Clearnet / Tor
Rank: 6 / Tungsten
45 Ratings: 98% Happy
Prime Node
I don't care about rebalancing, in circular swaps. Things will naturally balance over time, especially if your node ...


Credits: 5.24M SAT
Capacity: 25.558M SAT
Public Channels: 15
Connection: Tor
Rank: 6 / Tungsten
13 Ratings: 100% Happy
Prime Node
lightning icon


Credits: 5.2M SAT
Capacity: 30.2M SAT
Public Channels: 7
Connection: Tor
Rank: 7 / Silver
3 Ratings: 100% Happy
lightning icon


Credits: 5.1M SAT
Capacity: 31.286M SAT
Public Channels: 10
Connection: Tor
Rank: 7 / Silver
10 Ratings: 100% Happy
Prime Node
lightning icon


Credits: 5.1M SAT
Capacity: 100.0K SAT
Public Channels: 1
Connection: Tor
Rank: 1 / Aluminium
3 Ratings: 100% Happy
lightning icon


Credits: 5.087M SAT
Capacity: 52.11M SAT
Public Channels: 10
Connection: Tor
Rank: 6 / Tungsten
2 Ratings: 100% Happy
lightning icon


Credits: 5.02M SAT
Capacity: 81.43M SAT
Public Channels: 21
Connection: Clearnet / Tor
Rank: 7 / Silver
14 Ratings: 100% Happy
Prime Node
lightning icon


Credits: 5.002M SAT
Capacity: 3.61 BTC
Public Channels: 58
Connection: Tor
Rank: 8 / Gold
40 Ratings: 98% Happy
Prime Node
lightning icon


Credits: 5.0M SAT
Capacity: 1.365 BTC
Public Channels: 33
Connection: Clearnet / Tor
Rank: 7 / Silver
34 Ratings: 100% Happy
Prime Node
1Gbps stable connection, dedicated hardware
lightning icon


Credits: 5.0M SAT
Min. Channel Size: 3.0M SAT
Capacity: 93.136M SAT
Public Channels: 23
Connection: Tor
Rank: 6 / Tungsten
14 Ratings: 100% Happy
Prime Node
lightning icon


Credits: 5.0M SAT
Capacity: 18.172M SAT
Public Channels: 5
Connection: Tor
Rank: 3 / Copper
3 Ratings: 100% Happy
lightning icon


Credits: 5.0M SAT
Capacity: 29.72M SAT
Public Channels: 11
Connection: Tor
Rank: 6 / Tungsten
13 Ratings: 100% Happy
Prime Node