Well, Version 0.5.0 is Crap - Time to Load an Old Version

Posted almost 2 years ago by 030ec87f6326114367c1

For some reason known only to the Almighty and maybe one or two devs, the latest two versions of the Umbrel OS don't start up with a "make a new seed / enter your seed" dialog like every other Bitcoin software does.

Attempts to use a VM to load an old version have failed and taken too much of my time. It is just time to use an old version like 0.4.10 to load up my seed and then upgrade when they bring back the restore feature in whatever 0.5.34 (I hope they don't take that long).

It is a core, basic tenant that a seed phrase that is generated can also be used on that same piece of software to restore the former instance. Why was that not a priority #1 feature, critical before any and every release?

Yes, it is pretty (nice, new dark mode 🤷‍♂️), and it is quite user friendly if nothing happens to your hardware, but Bitcoin/crypto is supposed to be hardened systems that are fault resistant, like in the case of local hardware failures/swaps/upgrades: the rest of the networks chugs along and will be there when you get back up and running.

Here's to hopefully getting that node back up after a month 🙄



030ec87f6326114367c1 wrote almost 2 years ago

Update: the node's resyncing, so I can know if the restore took in a few days.

Shire_Society_Federation wrote almost 2 years ago

I recommend Raspibolt or even Raspiblitz, too many bad reports from umbrel.


030ec87f6326114367c1 wrote over 1 year ago

Can Raspibolt or Raspiblitz take the seed phrase and channel backup from an Umbrel installation?

Shire_Society_Federation wrote over 1 year ago

Yes, if it is LND or CLN which uses the standard lncli derivation and backup.
There is a guide to migrating each you should follow to plan it out in advance to avoid penalties or force closures.

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