Django Freeman

Unchained ⛓ Satoshis

Bitcoin Lightning Network Node

Capacity: ~2.441 BTC / Public Channels: 41

Minimum Channel Size: 1.0M SAT

LN+ Liquidity Credits: 10.0M SAT
Connection: Clearnet / Tor
Rank: 7 / Silver
Clearnet Lightning Address
Tor Lightning Address
Django Freeman
Django Freeman
Last seen 6 days ago · Joined 9 months ago

"I don't believe we shall ever have a good money again before we take the thing out of the hands of government." - F. A. Hayek BITCOIN = UNCHAINING MONEY FROM HANDS OF STATE I am an experienced bitcoin user and lightning node operator. Feel free to open a channel towards me :) Here is some basic info about my node: Minimum channel size: 1,000,000 sats Wumbo channels enabled Default base fee: 0 sat Default fee rate: 1000 ppm (usually gets lower depending on channel use) Hardware: Intel Core i7, 16GB RAM, power backed up by UPS (check my uptime: Networking: stable 30/15 mbps ethernet, hybrid mode

Ratings & Badges

21 Happy

1 Sad








API User


Hubness Rank: 928

Weighted for channel sizes: 729

Lower numbers are better. Measures influence of a given node in the network. Better ranks imply a well-connected node that is linked to other well-connected nodes.

Hopness Rank: 647

Weighted for channel sizes: 2462

Lower numbers are better. Measures how many hops it takes to reach any node on the network. The better the rank, the fewer the hops are required to reach other nodes.

Betweenness Rank: 1184

Weighted for channel sizes: 1522

Lower numbers are better. Measures how often this node falls on the shortest path between other nodes. The better the rank, the more likely the node will route a payments.

Metrics by LN node insight


Unchained ⛓ Satoshis

This bitcoin lightning network node identified by the pubkey: 02dc8e1989f6250411e6e30137ee1e984ad7f8d3aa51454f0a40faef0e98052381 also known by the alias: Unchained ⛓ Satoshis is accessible on the lightning network address: 02dc8e1989f6250411e6e30137ee1e984ad7f8d3aa51454f0a40faef0e98052381@ and 02dc8e1989f6250411e6e30137ee1e984ad7f8d3aa51454f0a40faef0e98052381@uxqkri4e4emcxcpl4donxj6qtbmkch3aiuqizhhv3ozymkqp3byizaad.onion:9735 .

The node has 41 channels, and a total channel capacity of: 244,050,478 Satoshis, which is equivalent to ~2.441 BTC. The node's hex color is #eb1c26. The information regarding this node and it channels has been updated last on 2024-07-26 23:26:31 UTC.

This node page has been claimed by user: Django Freeman and has been verified through a digital signature as well. The user has created their account 9 months ago, and has been last seen 6 days ago.

The user has participated in 8 swaps on LightningNetwork+. The node operator has opened 8 channels to LN+ users through Swaps. The user has received 21 positive ratings from other users. The user has generously donated to LN+ to support the operation of the site.

To learn more about this node, including historical data visit the following lightning network node explorers.