

Bitcoin Lightning Network Node

Capacity: ~2.634 BTC / Public Channels: 48

Minimum Channel Size: 2.0M SAT

Connection: Clearnet / Tor
Rank: 7 / Silver
Clearnet Lightning Address
Tor Lightning Address
Last seen 1 day ago · Joined over 2 years ago

use Joyeux Noeuel to improve and accelerate your node routing + scoring. here is what i propose : you open a channel , say 1M€ (or more if you wish) , not much is necessary. i set zero fee. If/when it routes i'll also open a channel to you ! same size ! Or ,even better, we open a bigger dual funded channel together and can close or not the first one ( i ll take the fees) . fair trade : you get liquidity as well. I also invest. It s a win win. if it doesn't we can close the channel, and, since you opened it, i ll take the closing fee… fair ending as well ! 0 risk, and worth a try. let's improve both our nodes capabilities and the lightning network. JN (JoyeuxNoeuel) is allways on and routing 100+ transactions a day, that should help. Open and let's route. ! JoyeuxNoeuel

Ratings & Badges

71 Happy

0 Sad













Hubness Rank: 1097

Weighted for channel sizes: 1414

Lower numbers are better. Measures influence of a given node in the network. Better ranks imply a well-connected node that is linked to other well-connected nodes.

Hopness Rank: 3104

Weighted for channel sizes: 1755

Lower numbers are better. Measures how many hops it takes to reach any node on the network. The better the rank, the fewer the hops are required to reach other nodes.

Betweenness Rank: 1551

Weighted for channel sizes: 404

Lower numbers are better. Measures how often this node falls on the shortest path between other nodes. The better the rank, the more likely the node will route a payments.

Metrics by LN node insight



This bitcoin lightning network node identified by the pubkey: 03284f74651198c2c35952a8e0204e68a824455f329f799c1368feb850572036e9 also known by the alias: JoyeuxNoeuel is accessible on the lightning network address: 03284f74651198c2c35952a8e0204e68a824455f329f799c1368feb850572036e9@ and 03284f74651198c2c35952a8e0204e68a824455f329f799c1368feb850572036e9@mlb4lhgsky4tvikleu2a22pu5fknue3o5r3sdhtcqgngxzs5cpto2kyd.onion:9735 .

The node has 48 channels, and a total channel capacity of: 263,408,972 Satoshis, which is equivalent to ~2.634 BTC. The node's hex color is #3399ff. The information regarding this node and it channels has been updated last on 2024-07-26 23:01:33 UTC.

This node page has been claimed by user: JoyeuxNoeuel and has been verified through a digital signature as well. The user has created their account over 2 years ago, and has been last seen 1 day ago.

The user has participated in 74 swaps on LightningNetwork+. The node operator has opened 72 channels to LN+ users through Swaps. The user has received 71 positive ratings from other users. The user has generously donated to LN+ to support the operation of the site.

To learn more about this node, including historical data visit the following lightning network node explorers.