Lightning service providers 18 stores

Visit c=


c equals is building tools and services to help connect the next billion people to the Lightning Network, making it easy to send payments instantly with bitcoin. They're partnering with popular wallets, businesses and lightning nodes to catalyze...

Visit Breez


The company provides infrastructure to connect to the bitcoin lightning network, and a lightning wallet that gives you incoming liquidity automatically.

Visit Boltz


Boltz is is a leading Bitcoin atomic swap & lightning service provider. Boltz focuses on ease of use and privacy. It doesn't record any data that could potentially be traced back to the identity of users and all its services can be accessed via...

Visit Bitrefill


At Bitrefill, you can buy many things from phone top ups, and gift cards to incoming LN channels. They accept LN payments natively. Use the referral link and spend $50, so we both get $5 in SATs.

Visit Amboss


Amboss operates a popular bitcoin lightning network explorer, notification service and liquidity market.

Visit Africa Free Routing

Africa Free Routing

The organisation connects African retailers to their customers and making Bitcoin payments as fast and as cheap as possible for African users. Africa Free Routing is run on a non-profit basis. All profits they make go towards Bitcoin education and...