LN+'s Posts

Bitcoins as Rewards: The MicroStrategy Edge

Posted 7 months ago

MicroStrategy's Lightning Rewards program incentivizes customer and employee actions using Bitcoin rewards. This innovative approach leverages Bitcoin and the Lightning Network, offering a unique way to engage with stakeholders. The program includes an administrative portal for easy management and seamlessly integrates with enterprise systems like Salesforce and Zoom. This flexibility makes it suitable for various business applications. Moreover, the platform provides analytics to track the impact of the rewards program, ensuring businesses can measure and optimize their strategies effectively.

The Platform Architecture

Why is the Lightning Rewards Platform better than cash-based systems?
MicroStrategy's Lightning Rewards program offers several advantages over traditional cash-based systems. First, it utilizes Bitcoin, which can be more appealing and innovative, potentially increasing engagement. Second, the use of Bitcoin allows for instant, global rewards without the complexities and costs associated with cross-border cash transactions. Lastly, it leverages the security and scalability of the Bitcoin network, offering a more secure and efficient rewards distribution system compared to conventional cash-based rewards.

What actions can be rewarded with the Lightning Rewards Platform?
The MicroStrategy Lightning Platform allows for rewarding various actions such as customer purchases, referrals, participation in events or surveys, and online engagement. This versatility makes it a valuable tool for enhancing user interaction across different platforms and activities, potentially reducing spam and malicious bots by incentivizing genuine engagement.

Example Use Cases

Employee Community Contribution
Reward employees with Satoshis for publishing articles, selecting the best answers, answering questions. The platform offers out-of-the-box integration with Salesforce (SFDC).

Employee Education
Reward employees with Satoshis for completing learning modules, achieving certifications, and viewing educational videos. The platform offers out-of-the-box integration with Wistia and Adobe.

Employee Health
Reward employees with Satoshis for achieving daily exercise time goals, hitting step count targets, and maintaining consecutive days of exercise. The platform offers integration with MoveSpring.


Employees receive a web and mobile wallet. They can withdraw Satoshis to any wallet by sending it to a lightning address, scanning an LNURL QR code, or pasting in a BOLT11 invoice. Employees also receive a Lightning Address that can be the same as their corporate email address to receive LN payments.

Web wallet

MicroStrategy's Lightning Rewards platform stands out for its innovative use of Bitcoin to incentivize and reward actions. This approach enables instant, global, and secure transactions, appealing to a wide audience. It seamlessly integrates with enterprise systems, making it versatile for various business needs. The platform's ability to track and analyze reward impact adds significant value for businesses looking to enhance engagement and measure the effectiveness of their strategies.

Liquid Lightning: A 4-Tiered Scalable Bitcoin Ecosystem

Posted 7 months ago

Brief Explanation of Liquid

The Liquid Network is a federated sidechain of the Bitcoin blockchain. It was developed to address Bitcoin's scalability and speed issues. Unlike the Bitcoin main chain, Liquid operates with a group of trusted functionaries, not proof-of-work miners, allowing for faster transaction processing and some privacy enhancements not available on Bitcoin's main chain. You can use Liquid with the Greenwallet by Blockstream.

Liquid Network Logo

The idea of Lightning Network on Liquid: "Liquid Lightning"

The concept of Liquid Lightning involves leveraging the Liquid side-chain to build a second Lightning Network. This network would benefit from Liquid's unique properties, like faster block times and enhanced privacy options. This not just a dream, Blockstream launched experimental support for Lightning on Liquid in 2019 already.

Liquid's functionality for a better lightning experience

Liquid's advanced features can significantly improve the Lightning Network experience. Key aspects include:
  • Lower Chain Fees and Faster Channel Management: Liquid's 1-minute block time can facilitate quicker and more cost-effective channel management compared to the main Bitcoin blockchain, especially during high on-chain fee times on the base Bitcoin layer.
  • Advanced Op-Codes: Liquid's scripting system offers more flexibility than Bitcoin's. This could enable more advanced features in channel management.
  • Privacy Enhancements: Liquid supports Confidential Transactions and Confidential Assets, which enhance privacy by hiding transaction amounts and asset types, though it should be noted that addresses are still visible.

Interoperation between Bitcoin Lightning and Liquid Lightning

One of the most exciting aspects of Liquid Lightning is the potential for interoperability with the existing Bitcoin Lightning Network. Advanced wallets could seamlessly pay invoices on either network using submarine swaps, a method for exchanging assets across different blockchains or layers. Liquid Lightning has native support for atomic swaps, which simplifies implementation significantly. 

Enhanced scalability through layered innovation

The Liquid Network presents a dynamic scalability solution, distinguishing itself with the capability to expand its block size as needed. This flexibility ensures enhanced scalability without imposing any risks on the foundational layer of the Bitcoin blockchain. Envisioning a multi-layered architecture, the ecosystem could evolve into a four-tiered system, each tier catering to specific use cases and striking a unique balance between key factors such as security, risk, and convenience.

4-Tiered Scalable Bitcoin Ecosystem

  1. Bitcoin Base Layer: Serving as the bedrock with maximal security and decentralization, ideal for large, non-urgent transfers, long-term storage and and an achor for other layers.
  2. Bitcoin Lightning Network: Offering faster, smaller transactions with reduced fees, suitable for everyday payments and microtransactions.
  3. Liquid Network: Enhancing efficiency for larger, rapid transfers and trading, with added privacy features and quicker settlement times.
  4. Liquid Lightning: The newest tier, combining the strengths of Liquid and Lightning Network, proposing a solution for instant, low-cost transactions, potentially with advanced features not currently feasible on the Bitcoin Lightning Network scalable to global levels.

This stratified approach allows users to choose the most appropriate layer for their transaction needs, aligning with their priorities whether it be speed, cost, or privacy, thereby unlocking a diverse range of applications and use cases within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Risks associated with Liquid Lightning

While Liquid offers many benefits, it's important to recognize its risks, particularly its reliance on a federation. This structure introduces an element of trust, different from the trustless model of the main Bitcoin blockchain. However, for small transactions and quick exchanges, these risks might be acceptable, especially since it's unlikely users would store large amounts on Liquid Lightning.

Implementation challenges

Key challenges in implementing Liquid Lightning include:
  • Developing an Ecosystem of Client Software: Robust client software needs to be developed for users to interact with Liquid Lightning, and ideally we should not rely on a single team. In Bitcoin Lightning we have at least 4 large teams working on client software. Liquid Lightning needs at least 2-3 teams as well. The good news is that Lightning in general is designed to run on any blockchain similar to Bitcoin, which is why it was relatively easy to start Lightning on Litecoin (an altcoin based on Bitcoin). Liquid Lightning was also relatively easy to implement according to Blockstream who has already created Lightning support for Liquid on Core Lightning.
  • Bootstrapping Liquidity: Sufficient liquidity must be ensured for the network to function efficiently. This is possibly the biggest hurdle on the short term.
  • Mobile Wallet Support: Wallets need to be developed or adapted to support Liquid Lightning and submarine swaps between it and Bitcoin Lightning. Blockstream has made good progress on this front with Greenwallet.


Liquid Lightning presents an innovative approach to scaling Bitcoin transactions. Its potential for faster, cheaper, and more private transactions, coupled with interoperability with the existing Lightning Network, makes it a promising development in the cryptocurrency space.

Witness the First Lightning Payment at Pingu's Burger in Vietnam, Facilitated by Neutronpay

Posted 7 months ago

Pingu's Burger, a new homemade-style hamburger restaurant, is located in the Thao Dien neighbourhood, Ho Chi Minh City (also known as HCMC or Saigon), Vietnam. The place is renowned for its excellent food, friendly atmosphere, and good service. Recently, the restaurant has decided to accept Bitcoin via the Lightning Network and has chosen Neutronpay as their payment service provider. If you're ever in Ho Chi Minh City, make sure to visit Pingu's for a juicy burger. And don't forget to have some satoshis on your Lightning wallet!

Pingu's Burger Entrance

Pingu's Interior

Pingu's Service

Pingu's Hamburger

Neutronpay, Pingu's chosen payment service provider, offers a range of products, including an API designed for businesses across various regions. In addition, it provides an app that caters to both businesses and individuals. There's a special emphasis on the mobile-centric markets of Asia and Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

The integration of Bitcoin payments through the Lightning Network at Pingu's Burger is a testament to the evolving landscape of Bitcoin adoption in Vietnam. While not the first to embrace this technology, Pingu's Burger joins a growing list of forward-thinking businesses in the region that recognize the potential of Bitcoin and the Lightning Network as a payment rail. This move highlights a broader trend among Vietnamese enterprises to incorporate innovative payment methods, offering customers both convenience and a glimpse into the future of financial transactions. It also reflects Vietnam's commitment to establishing itself as a leader in technological innovation and digital finance within Southeast Asia.

Earn Satoshis Daily: Simple Ways to Stack Bitcoin and Get Paid Over Lightning

Posted 7 months ago

Imagine earning Bitcoin effortlessly every day. With the growing popularity of Bitcoin, numerous services now reward users with Satoshis, the smallest unit of Bitcoin, for their time and attention. By engaging with multiple platforms, you can accumulate a substantial amount of Satoshis daily, leading to a significant reserve over time. Additionally, these activities offer the dual benefits of enhancing your understanding of Bitcoin and supporting businesses contributing to the Bitcoin ecosystem.


A new niche in marketing is emerging, targeting users of the Lightning Network, a payment protocol operating on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. Here's how it works:
  1. Sign-Up Process: Register with these services using your Lightning Address.
  2. Earning Sats: Receive regular micro-payments in Satoshis for your engagement.

Leading Services:


Relaxation often involves immersing oneself in the virtual world of mobile games. What if you could turn this leisure time into an opportunity to earn Bitcoin? Now, various mobile gaming platforms offer you the chance to earn Satoshis while you play.

Game platforms to explore:
  • THNDR Games: Engage in online gaming and earn a dozen or so sats daily.
  • LN Games: Hyper-casual gaming platform that lets you earn Bitcoin while having a blast.

News & Content

Several platforms reward users with Satoshis for activities like browsing the internet, listening to podcasts, reading or posting articles, and even managing emails.

  • Slice: Browse with an extension and get paid for looking at ads.
  • Fountain: Listen to podcasts and earn several hundred sats daily for an hour or so of your time.
  • Bitcoin Magazine App: Stay updated with Bitcoin news and earn 5 sats per article.
  • Stacker.news: Post content or comment and get paid by readers and the site itself daily. You can easily earn thousands of sats with popular content.
  • VIDA: A platform that allows you to earn per message or per minute if someone wants to reach you.


Educational platforms are incentivizing learning about Bitcoin and related technologies.

Educational Portals:
  • Yzer: Learn about Bitcoin and earn hundreds of sats every day.
  • Blink Wallet: This is a lightning wallet that offers bitcoin classes that pay you for viewing them.
  • Binance / Coinbase: These major exchanges offer courses with rewards, but they often pay in altcoins, which may not be easy to exchange to Satoshis.


Earn while you shop through these Satoshi-back programs.

Reward Programs:


An innovative way to combine fitness and earning is emerging.
  • sMiles: This app rewards your daily walking routine with Satoshis.

Earning Satoshis daily is an engaging way to immerse yourself in the Bitcoin universe. It's a win-win situation: You gain knowledge, support the Bitcoin community, and steadily build your Bitcoin holdings, all through simple, everyday activities.

Unconventional Use Cases of the Lightning Network

Posted 8 months ago

The Lightning Network, built upon Bitcoin's infrastructure, possesses unique attributes that facilitate opportunities unattainable through traditional payment channels or even Bitcoin itself. These attributes include:

  • Permissionless Access: Anyone with internet access can utilize a Lightning wallet, regardless of age, social status, or geographical location.
  • Efficiency: Transfers over the Lightning Network are remarkably cheap, often costing a mere fraction of a cent.
  • Speed: Transactions are nearly instantaneous, typically completed in a second or two.
  • Streamability: Payments can be extremely small and frequent.
  • Hard Currency: The network deals in Satoshis, which are fractions of Bitcoin – the most robust form of digital money, highly sought after globally.

Here's a dive into the imaginative business applications enabled by these features:

Real-Time Data Streaming Payments

The Lightning Network allows for dynamic pricing in real-time data services like live feeds or stock tickers. Users can pay per second or minute, ideal for AI models requiring sporadic data access, bypassing the need for continuous subscription models.

Pay-Per-Use Software Features

Imagine a photo editing software where basic functions are free, but advanced features are available via microtransactions. Users pay only for the time they use these enhanced tools, offering flexibility and cost-efficiency.

In-Game Actions and Events

Lightning can revolutionize in-game economies, allowing players to use micropayments for special areas, events, or even player-to-player transactions. This system could attract gamers and entrepreneurs focused on enhancing gaming experiences.

IoT Device Interactions

In the IoT world, devices could autonomously transact for services or data. For instance, a smart car could pay for real-time traffic updates, or households could earn Satoshis by sharing electricity usage data, akin to TV viewership metrics.

Crowdsourced Research and Data Collection

Participants in data collection projects could receive micro-compensations for each data point they provide, such as survey responses or mobile sensor data.

Public Wi-Fi Access Time

Users could pay precisely for the Wi-Fi or cellular data they use, with automated systems finding the best available rates for secure internet access.

Micropayment-based Charity Donations

The network enables minuscule, frequent donations to numerous deserving causes, broadening the scope of charitable giving.

Pay-Per-View Educational Content

Students could access specific lectures or resources on a pay-as-you-go basis, allowing for targeted learning without the expense of full courses.

Pay-as-You-Read E-Books

Develop an e-book platform where payments are made per page or chapter, encouraging exploration without the commitment of full purchase prices.

Automated Micropayments for Content Attribution

This model would allow for automated, small-scale payments for using digital content elements, a currently impractical task due to the transaction frequency and amount.

Micropayment-based Environmental Actions

Create a platform rewarding eco-friendly actions with small payments, like recycling or reducing energy consumption, incentivizing sustainable behaviors. Drop an empty aluminum can to a box, get an LNURL QR code to get sats.

Dynamic Pricing for Digital Advertisements

Revolutionize digital advertising with a model where payments are based on actual views or engagements, eliminating intermediary entities.

Pay-Per-Use Home Appliances

Offer home appliances on a pay-per-use basis, reducing upfront costs and allowing flexible management, like a home-based, pay-as-you-go laundry service.

Decentralized Content Fact-Checking Platform

Develop a platform where users can submit content for verification, rewarding those who provide accurate information.

Each of these ideas leverages the power of micropayments to foster innovation across various sectors. From transportation to environmental sustainability, and healthcare to education, the Lightning Network opens new avenues for community engagement and benefit. This is a call to action: draw inspiration from these concepts, build on Bitcoin and the Lightning Network, and launch your venture in 2024.

Introducing the New LN+ Dashboard

Posted 8 months ago

Over the past two years, LN+ has significantly expanded its features. To streamline your experience in managing your node on LN+, we are excited to introduce a comprehensive Dashboard. This single-page interface connects you to numerous useful pages, offering a variety of reports, views, and functionalities, including several brand-new features.

Access the dashboard by clicking the "Dashboard" button on the top right if you're signed in to LN+.

LN+ Dashboard (Light Theme)

New Page Descriptions:

  1. Channels: Pending Opening – This page provides a consolidated summary of all channels you are preparing to open on LN+, including those for Liquidity Swaps and Pool Credit Transactions. Instead of navigating through multiple individual pages, this one-stop page allows you to manage everything efficiently.
  2. Channels: Active Obligations – Here, you'll find a list of all channels that you need to maintain open to fulfill your commitments across different services on LN+. It helps ensure you do not breach any agreements.
  3. Channels: Concluded Obligations – This section displays all the channels you can optionally close, as the agreements' end times across various LN+ services have been met. While there's no need to close these channels immediately (in fact, keeping them open longer is beneficial), you have the option if you wish.
  4. Liquidity Swaps: All Agreements List – This page offers a detailed table of all your Liquidity Swap agreements, including information about the nodes involved in each swap. It's particularly helpful for locating specific liquidity swaps based on the node's alias.
  5. Liquidity Swaps: Active Agreements – View a grid of cards representing all active Liquidity Swaps, where the agreement's end date has not yet been reached. Keeping these swaps active involves maintaining the associated channels open.
  6. Liquidity Swaps: Concluded Agreements – Similar to the above, this grid of cards shows all Liquidity Swaps where the agreement has concluded, meaning the end date has passed. Channels in these swaps can be closed without negatively impacting your reputation.

We always appreciate your feedback, especially regarding any functionality issues. Please report any problems so we can promptly address them. Thank you for your continued support of LN+!

Bitcoin in Layers: An Overview of the Ecosystem

Posted 8 months ago

In recent years, the Bitcoin Lightning Network has emerged as a prominent second layer payment system, augmenting the main Bitcoin blockchain. However, not everyone globally can or will operate their own Lightning node, due to factors like channel management fees and the technical complexity involved. With insufficient on-chain transaction capacity to directly serve billions of people and businesses, the evolution of multiple layers atop the Lightning Network and side chains is anticipated to meet global needs. Here's a breakdown of these layers and different types of Lightning Network nodes:

Bitcoin On-Chain

  • Function: Acts as the fundamental layer for monetary transactions, predominantly for savings and enabling payment layers through smart contracts.
  • Users: Several million private and business entities.
  • Technology: Basic Bitcoin full node.
  • Benefits: Highly secure and straightforward to operate.
  • Risks: Transactions can be costly and slow when the fees are high.

Side Chain Solutions

  • Function: Offers an on-chain-like experience with fewer drawbacks. Example: Liquid and Rootstock.
  • Users: Those needing confidential, offline and large bitcoin transactions.
  • Technology: Simple wallets or a sidechain node.
  • Benefits: Easy handling of any transaction amount. Cheap and relatively fast.
  • Risks: Potential risks with the sidechain federation.

Routing Lightning Node

  • Function: Facilitates payment routing across the Lightning Network.
  • Users: Services numerous Lightning nodes for payment routing.
  • Technology: A lightning node with hundreds of channels of varying sizes.
  • Benefits: Quick, reliable, and potentially revenue-generating through routing fees and selling channels.
  • Risks: Resource-intensive in terms of time and money. Lots of funds in hot wallets.

Non-Custodial Merchant or Exchange Lightning Node

  • Function: Geared towards businesses for receiving and occasionally sending larger payments.
  • Users: Businesses and bitcoin exchanges.
  • Technology: Node with sizable channels to mostly routing nodes.
  • Benefits: Low costs and risks, efficient and dependable payment for customers.
  • Risks: Requires continuous maintenance.

Custodial Wallet and Merchant Payment Lightning Node

  • Function: Optimized for high-frequency, bidirectional payments.
  • Users: Businesses catering to millions of clients.
  • Technology: Robust nodes linked to Routing Lightning Nodes and merchants run by professional node infra operators.
  • Benefits: Revenue from transaction fees and value-added services.
  • Risks: Security concerns due to large customer funds.

Family and Small Business Lightning Node

  • Function: Provides Lightning Network connectivity for a closed user group.
  • Users: Family or small business associates.
  • Technology: Nodes with private or high-fee channels to discourage routing and associated risks. Uses LNBits or similar account management software to separate out accounts.
  • Benefits: Low cost and risk, with stable performance.
  • Risks: Partial trust required for users.

Hobby Lightning Node

  • Function: Personal nodes for individual or small business use. For example Umbrel or Phoenix wallet.
  • Users: Private individuals.
  • Technology: Few channels connected to relevant nodes.
  • Benefits: Trust-free operation and full control over capacity and funds.
  • Risks: Limited receiving capacity unless incoming channels are purchased.

Fully Custodial Accounts

  • Function: Instant wallets for sending and receiving payments. Ex. Wallet of Satoshi or Speed Wallet.
  • Users: Private individuals and small businesses.
  • Technology: Basic wallets without a dedicated node.
  • Benefits: Easy to use, no maintenance required. Access to various value added services, such as a bridge to debit card systems, stable coins, gift cards, mobile top-up systems, subscription services, etc.
  • Risks: Dependence on custodian security. All funds and payment related meta information is at risk.

In conclusion, these layers collectively cater to a diverse range of needs, offering various benefits and risks. Continuous enhancements and new developments in the Bitcoin ecosystem are expected to further improve these layers and introduce novel solutions eventually allowing the entire world to be onboarded to the Bitcoin ecosystem.

The Rise of Transaction Advertising on the Bitcoin Lightning Network

Posted 8 months ago

This post is primarily about the new phenomenon of Bitcoin Lightning Network Transaction Advertising. If you're already familiar with Bitcoin and the Lightning Network, skip the next two sections, which I only included because the post may be read by marketers who are not familiar with these concepts yet.

Introduction to Bitcoin

Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, has revolutionized the financial world since its inception in 2009. Created by an unknown person or group of people under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin is a decentralized network and a currency that enables peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a central authority. Transactions are recorded on a public ledger known as the blockchain.

Introduction to the Lightning Network

The Lightning Network is a "second layer" payment protocol that operates on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. It's designed to enable instant and efficient  transactions by allowing users to create payment channels between any two parties on that extra layer. This method significantly reduces the transaction load on the main Bitcoin blockchain, thereby increasing speed and reducing costs.

Lightning Network Transactions

In order to understand how Bitcoin Lightning Network Transaction Advertising works, one needs to be familiar with several concepts as follows.

Memo Field in Transactions
Each Lightning Network invoice can contain a memo field, allowing users to add a short text message. Lightning payments (HTLCs) can contain data in the custom records fields. These field can contain arbitrary text, including links, making it a versatile tool for communication. The security and privacy of these messages relies on the inherent security of the Lightning Network and Bitcoin blockchain. However, there are limitations, such as the length and formatting of the messages.

By default, receiving lightning transactions and attached messages requires issuing an invoice from the receiver before the sender can send any value. However, the keysend option allows for on-the-fly invoice generation, which enables transaction advertising.

Keysend and Lightning Addresses
Keysends allow for on-the-fly transactions, requiring no invoice, and can include these custom record fields which are being used to store the advertisement message. For paying to lightning addresses, and invoice gets generated by the lightning address provider such that it will contain the advertisement message in the comment field. Many wallets and services allow the creation of Lightning Addresses, including Orangepilled.Email.

Low-Value Transactions and Spam Prevention
Messages can be sent with as little as 1 satoshi, the smallest unit of Bitcoin. To reduce what is considered "spam", some wallets may hide these low-value messages. Increasing the fee to 2 or more satoshis can make these messages more visible.

Length of the Memo Field
The memo field in Lightning Network transactions can accommodate up to 639 bytes of information. The number of characters this translates to depends on the UTF-8 encoding, where characters can vary in size:

  1. For the first 128 characters (US-ASCII), each character is encoded in one byte. Therefore, you could fit up to 639 characters from this set in the memo field.
  2. For characters that require two bytes, such as those in many Latin alphabets, Greek, Cyrillic, and others, up to 319 characters can be accommodated. This is because each character takes up two bytes.
  3. For characters from the rest of the Basic Multilingual Plane, which includes most commonly used characters, including many Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters, three bytes per character are needed. This allows for up to 213 of these characters in the memo field.
  4. Characters from other planes of Unicode, which include less common symbols, historic scripts, mathematical symbols, and emojis, require four bytes each. In this case, the memo field can hold up to 159 characters.

In summary, the actual number of characters that can fit into the 639-byte memo field depends on the specific characters used, as they have different byte sizes in UTF-8 encoding. The simplest characters (US-ASCII) allow for the highest count, while more complex characters, such as certain emojis, allow for fewer characters due to their larger byte size.

Lightning Wallet receiving lightning transaction ads

Transaction Advertising

Satogram.xyz represents a novel approach to digital marketing through the Bitcoin Lightning Network, offering users the ability to send paid messages, known as Satograms. These are essentially keysend payments with a custom message attached,  or payments to ligtning addresses where the invoice memo contains the custom message, similar to receiving spam email but with the added benefit of getting paid for it.

The cost structure of using Satogram.xyz is straightforward yet flexible. Each Satogram is priced at 1 satoshi or more if the advertiser can afford a larger payment, with an additional charge for network fees. For instance, to reach the entire network of around 65,000 nodes and addresses, it would cost approximately 65,000 satoshis. Satogram.xyz also applies a 10% service fee on the invoiced amount, ensuring a part of the payment is retained for the provision of the service.

One of the key aspects of Satogram.xyz is its broad reach. Users can send Satograms to any node that has keysend enabled or to any lightning address that supports comments. This wide reach makes it an effective tool for anyone looking to advertise products or services, or simply to broadcast a message to a large audience. Whether you're a well-established brand or an individual, Satograms provide a unique way to convey your message directly to other users, with the added bonus that recipients tend to be more receptive to these messages since they are compensated for receiving them.

In terms of payment and fees, Satogram.xyz offers a user-friendly approach. Users can set a maximum limit for network transaction fees, ensuring that they don't overpay. Additionally, the platform provides a refund mechanism for any overpayment. If the actual cost of sending all Satograms is less than the estimated total cost, users can request a refund for the difference. This feature adds an extra layer of financial control and transparency, making it a user-friendly service for marketing and communication purposes.

Satogram.xyz is planning to release a compelling new feature where advertisers will be able to select what audiences they want to reach to adjust their target audience, including people who specifically signed up for receiving advertising messages. So ultimately the options will be:
  • All
  • Lightning Addresses only
  • Nodes only
  • Signups only

Overall, Satogram.xyz harnesses the power of the Bitcoin Lightning Network to offer a unique and efficient way of sending messages across a vast network. Its cost-effective structure, combined with the ability to reach a wide audience quickly, makes it an attractive option for diverse messaging needs.

As a node operator, if you want to connect to Satogram's lightning node and benefit from their traffic, here is their node.

If you want to learn more about the tech behind Satogram watch the site creator's presentation.


Effectiveness of Lightning Transaction Advertising

Currently, with Satogram you can reach a total of 20,440 nodes and addresses, a number which is likely to grow aggressively in the coming years as people learn about the utility of the Lightning Network.

The effectiveness of this advertising method varies, and understanding its impact can be gleaned from user experiences. For instance, one user (note: this is a sample size of one) reported the following results from their advertising campaign using Lightning Transaction Advertising:
  • Reach and Engagement: The campaign resulted in 40 unique visitors and 188 page clicks. This indicates a certain level of engagement, suggesting that the messages were noticed and prompted action.
  • Conversion and Sales: Despite the engagement, the campaign led to 0 sales. This lack of conversion highlights a potential gap in the effectiveness of this advertising approach in driving actual sales.

These results suggest that while Lightning Transaction Advertising can generate interest and drive traffic to a page, converting that interest into sales is another challenge. This form of advertising may be more suitable for raising awareness or disseminating information rather than directly boosting sales. As with any advertising medium, its effectiveness will likely depend on various factors, including the nature of the product or service, the target audience, and the messaging itself.

View Lightning Advertising Companies

Ethical Questions Around Lightning Transaction Advertising

The advent of advertising through Lightning Network transactions, as seen with services like Satogram.xyz, brings with it a set of ethical considerations that merit discussion. This mode of advertising straddles the line between innovation and intrusion, raising questions about the moral implications of such practices.

Unsolicited Yet Compensated Communication
One of the primary ethical dilemmas revolves around the unsolicited nature of these transactions. Users on the Lightning Network may receive these messages without prior consent, akin to receiving spam email. However, unlike traditional spam, these messages are accompanied by a small payment. This compensation adds a layer of complexity to the ethical evaluation: is it acceptable to send unsolicited messages if the recipient is compensated?

The Balance of Convenience and Annoyance
Another aspect to consider is the balance between convenience and annoyance. While some may view these paid messages as a novel way of earning small amounts of Bitcoin, others might see them as intrusive or even exploitative. The fact that these messages can be sent to a vast number of users with relative ease raises concerns about the potential for overuse or misuse of this advertising method, leading to a digital environment cluttered with unwanted communications.

Consent and User Autonomy
The issue of consent is paramount in this discussion. Traditional advertising models usually, but not always operate within a framework of implied or explicit consent, where audiences opt-in to receive messages. In the case of Lightning Network advertising, the consent is less clear. While receiving payment for these messages might imply a form of tacit agreement, it doesn't necessarily equate to explicit consent, raising questions about user autonomy and the right to choose one's digital interactions.

The Impact on Network Dynamics
From a broader perspective, there's also a need to consider how this form of advertising might impact the overall dynamics of the Bitcoin Lightning Network. If transaction advertising becomes prevalent, it could alter the way the network is used and perceived, potentially affecting its efficiency and the user experience. This shift could lead to a reevaluation of the network's primary purpose and functionality.

The Role of Regulation and Governance
Finally, the question of regulation and governance comes into play. Should there be mechanisms in place to control or regulate this form of advertising? The decentralized nature of the Bitcoin Lightning Network makes centralized regulation challenging, but there might be a need for community-driven standards or guidelines to ensure that this advertising method doesn't become problematic or harmful to the network and its users. At the very least, services like Satogram.xyz should allow users to remove themselves from their database, so they wouldn't receive spam messages. This is also a service to advertisers, since no advertiser wants angry potential customers, who are annoyed by spam transactions.

Opting Out of Lightning Transaction Advertising

As the practice of Lightning Transaction Advertising grows, it's important for users and node operators to know their options for opting out or managing these interactions.

For Node Operators
Node operators might observe an influx of low-value transactions, often used for advertising messages. Recently, there's been a significant increase in such activity, with over half a million low-value messages sent in just a few days. While these transactions contribute to network activity, they can also burden the node without any financial benefit, especially if there's no base fee set on channels. To opt out or mitigate this impact, node operators have a couple of options:

  1. Adjust the Minimum HTLC Setting: By increasing the min_htlc setting on your channels, you can effectively filter out these low-value transactions. This setting controls the minimum size of transactions that your node will process, allowing you to exclude the smaller, likely advertising-related transactions.
  2. Implement a Base Fee: Setting a small base fee for forwarding transactions can ensure you're compensated for the resources used in processing and storing these forwards. This approach turns the increased traffic into a potential source of revenue, albeit small.

For Non-Custodial Wallet Users
Users of non-custodial wallets have fewer options to filter out these transactions, especially if keysend is enabled. The primary method to opt-out is:

  • Disabling Keysend: If you're running your own node, you can disable keysend. This will prevent your node from receiving these unsolicited advertising transactions, giving you control over the messages you receive.

For Custodial Wallet Users
Users of custodial wallets have some level of control depending on the features offered by their wallet:

  • Setting a Minimum Notification Threshold: Some wallets allow users to set a threshold for transaction notifications. By setting this threshold above the typical value of advertising transactions, you can avoid being notified about them. You'll still receive the payments, but you won't be disturbed by promotional messages that fall below your set limit.

Future of Lightning Network Transaction Advertising

As the Bitcoin Lightning Network continues to evolve, the landscape of transaction advertising through this platform is poised to undergo significant changes. Here's a look at some likely developments in the future:

Growth in User Reachability
The number of users reachable via the Lightning Network is expected to grow. As more people adopt Bitcoin and become familiar with the Lightning Network, the audience for these transaction advertisements will expand. This increased user base will offer advertisers a broader, more diverse audience, enhancing the reach and potential impact of their campaigns.

Emergence of Niche Services
Just like Satogram.xyz has carved a niche in transaction advertising, it's likely that more services will emerge, each catering to different aspects of Lightning Network advertising. These services could offer specialized features, target specific demographics, or provide unique advertising formats, thus enriching the ecosystem with more options and flexibility for advertisers.

Wallet and Node Updates for Spam Management
With the rise in transaction advertising, it's probable that wallets and Lightning Network node implementations will release updates to better manage what could be perceived as spam. These updates might include more sophisticated filtering options, enhanced user control over what types of messages are received, and improved notification settings. Such features will aim to balance the needs of advertisers with the preferences of network users.

Increase in Advertising Fees
As transaction advertising becomes more popular and the network grows in user density, it's likely that the fees for sending advertising messages will increase. This could be a result of market dynamics where higher demand leads to higher prices or as a measure to regulate the volume of advertising traffic on the network. Higher fees might also improve the quality of advertisements, as advertisers will need to ensure a good return on investment, potentially reducing low-effort or less relevant advertising content.

Exploring AI Innovations in the Bitcoin Lightning Network

Posted 8 months ago

The intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Bitcoin Lightning Network presents a landscape rich with potential for innovation and efficiency, as hinted by LqWD Tech's X post recently. This article delves into the various ways AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) could be integrated into the Lightning Network, enhancing its operation and user experience. This exploration aims to ignite ideas for entrepreneurs and enthusiasts within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Enhanced Routing Algorithms with AI

One of the most significant challenges in the Lightning Network is optimizing payment routing. AI's capability to analyze complex network data could potentially refine routing decisions. By learning from transaction histories, AI algorithms might predict less congested routes, thereby reducing fees and increasing transaction speed. Incorporating real-time data analysis could further allow dynamic adjustments to routing, adapting to the ever-changing network conditions.

AI-Aided LN Wallets for Personalized Experience

AI can revolutionize how users interact with their Bitcoin wallets. By analyzing user behavior, location, and time of day, AI could suggest optimal locations for Bitcoin expenditure and recommend products or services. This personalization could significantly enhance the user experience within the Lightning Network, making transactions more relevant and timely.

Optimizing Node Liquidity and Connections

The efficiency of the Lightning Network heavily relies on the liquidity and strategic connections of its nodes. AI has the potential to identify which nodes could provide the most efficient incoming liquidity. By analyzing network dynamics and liquidity forecasts, AI could suggest which nodes to connect with and when for optimal transaction efficiency.

AI-Generated Promotional Messaging

In the realm of marketing, AI could create customized, impactful messages transmitted over the Lightning Network. By utilizing microtransactions, these AI-generated messages could provide a novel way to promote products or services, paying a few satoshis per message. This approach could open up new avenues for cost-effective and targeted marketing within the Bitcoin ecosystem. Satogram is a service that provides an interface to send such low cost marketing messages.

Predictive Analysis for Liquidity Management and Fee Setting

AI could play a crucial role in forecasting liquidity needs and dynamically adjusting fees to maximize routing efficiency and earnings. By anticipating network congestion and varying fee structures accordingly, AI could ensure more efficient use of network resources, potentially leading to better user experiences and increased earnings for node operators.

Fraud Detection and Network Security

AI could significantly enhance the security aspect of the Lightning Network. In particular, AI can be instrumental in detecting and preventing Replacement Cycling Attacks. By predicting which nodes may attempt such attacks, AI can enable proactive measures, such as disabling suspicious channels, thereby safeguarding the network against these threats.

Automated Compliance and Regulatory Adherence

In an increasingly regulated financial world, AI could assist in ensuring compliance within the Lightning Network. For instance, in jurisdictions where certain regions are embargoed, AI could automatically block channels or reject payment requests from those regions. This automated compliance could be crucial for companies looking to operate within legal boundaries while participating in the global Bitcoin ecosystem.


The integration of AI and LLMs into the Bitcoin Lightning Network holds immense potential. From optimizing payment routes to enhancing security and compliance, AI could significantly streamline operations. While this exploration is not an exhaustive list of possibilities, it highlights the innovative ways AI could be leveraged within the Bitcoin ecosystem. As the Lightning Network evolves, these AI-driven solutions could play a pivotal role in its growth and efficiency, paving the way for a more advanced and user-friendly Bitcoin experience.

Lightning Network Explained with Real World Analogies

Posted 8 months ago

Welcome to the dynamic world of Bitcoin's latest innovation - the Lightning Network. This network represents a quantum leap in Bitcoin's evolution, promising to speed up transactions and enhance scalability. If you're new to this concept, don't worry. We're here to demystify the Lightning Network with easy-to-understand examples, making it approachable for everyone in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

What is the Bitcoin Lightning Network?

The Lightning Network is a second-layer payment protocol designed specifically for Bitcoin. It's a clever solution to the scalability challenge Bitcoin faces, enabling faster and more economical transactions. The key? It processes most transactions off the main blockchain, settling them only when necessary.

Basic Lightning Network Facts

  • Foundation on Bitcoin Network: Primarily operates on the Bitcoin network, occasionally on others like Litecoin.
  • Security from Bitcoin: Utilizes the robust security of the Bitcoin blockchain for its underlying agreements.
  • Currency Used: Employs Bitcoin's smallest unit, Satoshis, and can handle even smaller units for precise accounting.
  • Widespread Adoption: Millions worldwide, including major corporations, are rapidly adopting the Lightning Network.

How Does the Lightning Network Work?

  • Lightning Nodes: These are like checkpoints managing transactions.
  • Payment Channels: Private pathways between nodes for quick exchanges.
  • Off-Chain Transactions: Transactions in these express lanes bypass the congested Bitcoin blockchain.
  • Settlement: Transactions are finalized on the Bitcoin blockchain when channels are closed.

Benefits of the Lightning Network

  • Speed: Near-instant transactions.
  • Reduced Costs: Lower fees due to reduced blockchain congestion.
  • Enhanced Scalability: Handles a higher volume of transactions, addressing Bitcoin's scalability issues.

Real-World Parallels to Understand the Lightning Network

I have devised 4 real world examples to explain different levels of the Lightning Network in a hopefully easy to understand way.

  1. Debit Cards: Loading a debit card with funds is akin to receiving a transaction on a lightning channel. You can spend repeatedly until the balance depletes, similar to a lightning channel.
  2. Bar Tabs: Opening a bar tab is like opening a lightning channel. You settle the total at the end, just as you would settle a lightning channel.
  3. Two-Town Train Track: Imagine a train track connecting two towns with a limited number of carts. This illustrates how lightning channels have a fixed capacity for transactions.
  4. Two-Way Bridge Toll: Think of islands connected by toll bridges. Crossing these bridges (channels) involves fees (routing fees), illustrating how transactions incur costs on the Lightning Network.

The Debit Card Analogy

Understanding the workings of a Lightning Network channel can be made simpler by comparing it to a familiar financial tool: the debit card. Just as you load a debit card with a specific amount of money, like the paycheck you receive after a week's work, a Lightning Network channel is 'loaded' when you receive a Bitcoin transaction. This similarity extends to usage as well; you use your debit card for various purchases, such as groceries or a coffee, until its balance runs out. Similarly, you can conduct multiple transactions over the Lightning Network until the channel's balance is spent.

However, this analogy isn't perfect, as there are several nuances unique to each system. Let's explore these similarities and differences to gain a clearer picture of how the Lightning Network functions.

  • Spending Limits: Like a debit card, a Lightning channel doesn't allow you to spend more than its balance. There's no concept of 'credit' in this scenario.
  • Reloadable Nature: Both your debit card and a Lightning channel can be reloaded and used repeatedly.
  • Closure and Withdrawal: Just as you can close your bank account and withdraw the remaining balance on your debit card, a Lightning channel can be closed, allowing you to transfer the remaining Satoshis back to your Bitcoin wallet.
  • Multiplicity: Owning multiple debit cards is similar to having several Lightning channels at your disposal.
  • Physical and Digital Forms: Debit cards can be physical, like cards or NFC-enabled devices, and Lightning channels can also be operated with similar physical tools, enhancing usability.
  • Fee Structure: Typically, direct transactions with a debit card don't incur visible fees. Similarly, direct channel transactions on the Lightning Network are always fee-free.

  • Currency Type: Debit cards are typically loaded with fiat currencies like dollars or yen, whereas Lightning channels primarily use Bitcoin. Future developments like Taproot Assets and RGB might introduce stable coins, but their adoption is yet to be seen.
  • Upper Limit: Unlike debit cards, which usually don't have an upper spending limit, Lightning channels have a predetermined maximum capacity, akin to a gift card.
  • Lower Limit on Spending: Debit cards often have a minimum spending limit, while Lightning channels can facilitate transactions as small as a single Satoshi, offering far greater granularity.
  • Intermediaries in Transactions: Using a debit card often involves third parties like banks and card processors. In contrast, Lightning transactions can occur directly between parties if they share a channel, omitting any intermediaries.
  • Privacy of Transactions: Debit card transactions are typically visible to banks and card companies, but Lightning transactions offer significantly more privacy, with minimal information available to third parties.
  • Security Risks: Traditional cards can pose security risks, as they contain all information needed for a transaction. Lightning payments, secured cryptographically, are inherently safer.
  • Combining Balances: Unlike debit cards, where combining balances for a single large purchase is uncommon, Lightning channels allow for the aggregation of balances for larger payments, although this is not a widespread practice yet.

The Bar Tabs Analogy

The Bar Tabs Analogy

Exploring the workings of the Lightning Network (LN) can be likened to the concept of opening and managing bar tabs, a scenario familiar to many. This analogy helps illuminate the foundational aspects of LN, particularly the opening and closing of channels.

First Night: Opening a Tab and Channel

Imagine walking into your favorite bar. The bartender allows you to open a tab, saying you can enjoy drinks up to $100 before settling the bill. Throughout the night, you add drinks to your tab without the need to pay for each one immediately. At the night's end, you pay the total amount owed. This system simplifies transactions, as you only settle once, not after every drink.

Drawing a parallel with LN, opening a bar tab is akin to opening a lightning channel. When you first open this tab (or channel), you're essentially setting a limit - in this case, a certain amount of Satoshis. As you order drinks, the bartender keeps a record of your consumption, just like each transaction you make is recorded on both ends of a Lightning channel. This ongoing record tracks the balance, although no actual currency exchange happens until the tab (or channel) is closed. When you're ready to leave, you settle your tab with cash, similar to closing a Lightning channel and settling the final balance in Satoshis.

Second Night: Payment Forwarding

The scenario evolves on your second visit. You bring a friend who is unknown to the bartender and therefore can't open a tab. However, you use your established $100 tab to cover their expenses, and they repay you privately.

This scenario mirrors having two Lightning channels. You have one channel with the bartender (node) and another with your friend (another node). Your friend can't directly pay the bartender due to the lack of a direct channel. Instead, they route their payment through you, and you forward it to the bartender. This is a practical demonstration of payment forwarding in LN, enhancing the network's functionality beyond simple one-to-one channel transactions.

Third Night: A Network of Channels and Circular Economy

On your third visit, the complexity increases. Your friend, now recognized by the bartender, agrees to supply him with pretzels on a $1,000 tab. Additionally, you extend a financial advisory tab to your friend: "Stay humble. Stack sats." This forms a triangle of economic activity among you, your friend, and the bartender, creating what's known as a circular economy. Money exchanges are deferred until there's a need to balance the tabs.

In LN terms, this is analogous to three interconnected nodes, each with a channel to the others. Transactions flow in a circular manner: from the first node to the second, the second to the third, and the third back to the first. This interconnectedness allows for a seamless flow of funds without the immediate need to close channels, illustrating the network's sophisticated capacity for multi-node transactions and the balancing of channels.

The Two-Town Train Track Analogy

The Two-Town Train Track Analogy

Delving deeper into the intricacies of the Lightning Network (LN), we can turn to the analogy of two towns, Aliceville and Bobburg, connected by a train track, to understand the concept of channel capacity.

Setting Up the Scenario:
Imagine Aliceville and Bobburg decide to build a train track linking their towns. Initially, there are 100 train carts, all stationed in Aliceville. These carts symbolize a newly opened LN channel, with Aliceville's node possessing 100 Satoshis.

Transactions as Train Movements:
When Aliceville decides to send 20 carts filled with oranges to Bobburg, this mirrors a LN transaction where 20 Satoshis are transferred. After this 'shipment,' Aliceville has 80 carts (or Satoshis) remaining, while Bobburg now has 20. This allocation represents the current capacity of each town (node) within the channel: Aliceville can send up to 80 more carts, and Bobburg can receive up to 80 carts. Conversely, Bobburg can send back up to 20 carts, and Aliceville can receive up to 20.

Channel Capacity and Liquidity:
The critical factor here is the fixed total of 100 carts, analogous to the total Satoshis in the channel. Neither town can add nor remove carts from the track, mirroring the fixed liquidity in a LN channel. This setup allows for a dynamic back-and-forth movement of value (carts/Satoshis) between the towns.

Long-Term Channel Usage:
As Aliceville and Bobburg continue to transact over time, they exemplify the long-term utility of a Lightning Network channel. The towns keep shuttling carts back and forth, similar to how LN channels facilitate the continuous exchange of Satoshis. This process can be sustained indefinitely, reflecting the enduring nature of many LN channels which remain active for years, facilitating the regular flow of transactions.

Channel Closure:
A significant aspect of this analogy lies in the flexibility to adapt to changing needs. Imagine a scenario where both towns, after a period of balanced exchanges, find themselves with an equal number of carts – 50 each. At this juncture, they might decide that the track between them no longer serves their purposes. Perhaps there's a need to establish connections with different towns or for other strategic reasons. In such a case, Aliceville and Bobburg can agree to stop using their track. This decision is akin to cooperatively closing a Lightning Network channel. Upon closing, each town retains the carts (Satoshis) currently in their possession. They are then free to redeploy these carts on different tracks or channels, reflecting the dynamic nature of the Lightning Network where channels can be closed and resources reallocated as per changing requirements and opportunities. This flexibility is a key feature, allowing users to adapt to the evolving landscape of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Caveats and Extended Realities:
While this analogy illustrates the basic mechanics of LN channel capacity, there are a few caveats and expansions to consider:
  • Nature of the Carts/Value: In our analogy, carts carry value (oranges). However, in LN, the 'carts' (Satoshis) are the value themselves. Imagine the carts as being made of gold.
  • Scale of the Network: The LN isn't limited to two nodes (towns) but includes thousands, interconnected in a vast network.
  • Forwarding Across Nodes: Like in the real world, LN allows for the forwarding of value through intermediary nodes. If Aliceville wants to send value to a town beyond Bobburg without a direct channel, it can forward Satoshis through Bobburg. This is only feasible if Bobburg has sufficient capacity (carts) to facilitate this forwarding.

By visualizing the LN as a network of interconnected towns with a fixed number of carts, we gain a clearer understanding of how channel capacity, liquidity, and transaction forwarding operate in this innovative financial ecosystem.

The Two-Way Bridge Toll Analogy

The Two-Way Bridge Toll Analogy

The concept of routing and associated fees in the Lightning Network can be effectively illustrated through the analogy of a country with numerous islands connected by bridges, each featuring a toll station.

Setting the Scene: The Country of Islands and Bridges
Picture a vast country made up of many islands. These islands are interconnected by a network of bridges. For anyone wishing to travel from one island to another, crossing these bridges is essential. However, each bridge crossing incurs a fee at the toll stations. To add a layer of realism to this scenario, consider that the toll fees are structured in two parts: a fixed fee for every vehicle, and a variable fee based on the vehicle's capacity. For instance, a small sports car with two seats incurs a lower fee compared to a large bus carrying a dozen passengers.

Drawing Parallels with the Lightning Network
In this analogy:
  • Islands represent Lightning nodes: Each island is a standalone entity but connected to others in the network.
  • Bridges symbolize Lightning channels: These are the pathways that connect the nodes, enabling the movement (transactions) between them.
  • Cars are akin to Satoshis: The currency that moves through the network, facilitated by the channels.

The toll fees at each bridge are analogous to routing fees in the Lightning Network. This fee structure in the Lightning Network comprises two main components:
  1. Base Fee: This is a fixed charge applied to every transaction, regardless of its size. This fee can often be set to zero on many nodes, making small transactions particularly economical.
  2. Fee Rate: This is a variable charge, calculated as a percentage of the transaction's size, measured in parts per million (ppm). It varies widely, from as low as one ppm to several thousands, and can dynamically adjust based on market conditions and network demand.

Understanding the Fee Structure
Just as the toll fees in our island country vary based on the vehicle type and its capacity, in the Lightning Network, the fees depend on the transaction size and the policies of the nodes involved. This system incentivizes the maintenance and provision of channels (bridges), ensuring the smooth operation of the network while also allowing node operators to be compensated for their services.

Through this analogy, the complex concept of routing and fees within the Lightning Network becomes more tangible, illustrating how transactions are facilitated across the network and how fees are structured to support this intricate system of financial exchange.

Getting Started with the Lightning Network

  1. Select a Bitcoin Lightning Wallet: Choose an implementation like LND or CLN.
  2. Fund Your Wallet: Transfer Bitcoin, considering channel openings and transaction fees.
  3. Open a Payment Channel: Establish a channel with another node.
  4. Commence Transactions: Start sending and receiving Bitcoin payments.


The Bitcoin Lightning Network is not just an enhancement; it's a transformation. By leveraging this technology, you can participate more effectively in the Bitcoin space, unlocking the full potential of this groundbreaking innovation. Whether you're a seasoned Bitcoin enthusiast or a newcomer, understanding the Lightning Network is your ticket to a more efficient and scalable Bitcoin experience.

Cipherchat: A New Era of Private Messaging on the Lightning Network

Posted 9 months ago

In the constantly evolving landscape of digital communication, privacy and security have become paramount. Enter Cipherchat, a new player in the field of private messaging. This web application stands out by harnessing the power of Bitcoin's Lightning Network. What sets it apart is not just its use of cutting-edge technology but also the option for users to self-host, offering an unprecedented level of control and privacy.

How Cipherchat Functions

Cipherchat's operation hinges on the innovative use of the Lightning Network. Users connect their Lightning node to the app through Lightning Node Connect (LNC), utilizing a pairing phrase from the Lightning Terminal. This process establishes an end-to-end encrypted connection between the user's node and the web app, facilitated by an LNC Mailbox relay proxy server. The entire architecture of Cipherchat is open-source, encouraging transparency and community involvement. Communication occurs through keysend payments, each carrying a message, ensuring a secure and private exchange of information.

Upholding Privacy and Security

At its core, Cipherchat prioritizes privacy. All messages are designed to be accessible only to the sender and recipient, making interception by third parties virtually impossible. The app also employs robust security protocols, including a user-created password that encrypts data stored locally on devices. This approach to security underscores Cipherchat’s commitment to protecting user information.

Getting Started with a Lightning Node

For those new to the Lightning Network, setting up a node is straightforward. Users can opt for plug-and-play solutions like myNode, Start9 Embassy, or Umbrel, or choose cloud-based services like Voltage for a hardware-free experience. These platforms offer intuitive interfaces for installing necessary software like the Lightning Terminal, simplifying the process of joining the Lightning ecosystem. In fact, Voltage abstracts away Lightning Terminal and shows the user their LNC pairing phrase right within the Voltage app.

Installing and Using Cipherchat

Installation is a breeze – users can add Cipherchat to their devices directly from their browser, integrating it seamlessly into their daily digital routine. The app is kept up-to-date through simple page refreshes, ensuring users always have the latest version. Requirements are minimal, with standard browser features like Service Workers, Web Assembly, Local Storage, and IndexedDB being sufficient for running the app.

Cipherchat's Home Page

Innovative Features for Enhanced Experience

Cipherchat incorporates several features to enhance the user experience. Its spam protection mechanism is noteworthy, leveraging the inherent 'proof-of-work' of setting up a Lightning node and the costs associated with messages to deter spam. Users can start conversations easily with just another node’s pubkey and explore public nodes through platforms like LN+'s Explorer.

Optimal Usage and Technical Insights

For an optimal experience, it’s recommended to open a direct channel with conversation partners, especially for lengthy interactions. This setup improves performance, reliability, and can even be cost-effective. However, the app also caters to casual use, with small routing fees for shorter conversations. Users should be aware of potential message failures due to network connectivity and liquidity issues, as well as a default character limit of 300 to accommodate network constraints. The character limit can be increased manually by the user if they know they have a shorter route to their destination.

Self-Hosting and Compatibility

For the tech-savvy, Cipherchat offers self-hosting options, detailed in their GitHub repository. Currently, the app is tailored for LND and is not compatible with Core Lightning, but it stands interoperable with other Lightning messaging apps that adhere to established standards.

Community and Development

Cipherchat is the brainchild of developer secondl1ght, a testament to the innovative spirit of the Bitcoin community. Users can stay updated on developments and seek support through various channels, including Telegram, X (Twitter), and GitHub.

Final Thoughts

Cipherchat represents a significant step forward in the realm of private, secure messaging. By leveraging the Lightning Network, it offers a unique blend of privacy, security, and user control. Whether you're a seasoned Bitcoin enthusiast or new to the world of Bitcoin, Cipherchat offers a compelling platform for secure, private communication in the digital age.

Introducing Advanced Warnings to Prevent Duplicate Channels

Posted 9 months ago

When working within LN+, you might encounter a situation where you're attempting to open a channel with a node to which you're already connected, or with which you're in the process of connecting through a Liquidity Swap or Pool Credit Transaction. To prevent the creation of duplicate channels, LN+ has introduced an advanced warning system. This system will alert you and prompt a reconfirmation of your action before finalization. Here are the specific scenarios where you will receive warnings:

Example of warning about an existing channel within Liquidity Swaps during application. This warning is followed by a pop-up confirmation.

Liquidity Swaps

You get a warning in during application to a liquidity swap:
  • If you already have an active channel with the node from which you're about to receive a channel.
  • If you already have an active channel with the node with the node you're about to commit to open a channel to.
  • If you have a pending Liquidity Swap with the node from which you're about to receive or with whom you're about to open a channel.
  • If you have a pending Pool Credit Transaction with the node from which you're about to receive or with whom you're about to open a channel.

Example of a warning about an existing channel within the Pool when creating a new Credit Transaction.

Liquidity Pool

You get a warning in the Liquidity Pool when creating an offer (aka credit transaction):
  • If you already have an active channel with the node to whom you're about to offer a channel.
  • If you have a pending Liquidity Swap with the node to whom you're offering a channel, whether you're receiving or opening.
  • If you have a pending Pool Credit Transaction with the node to whom you're about to offer a channel.

This warning system is designed to streamline your interactions and ensure efficient management of your channels.
Lightning Network Node
Capacity: 424,732,188 SAT
Channels: 126